
Peta Mission Statement

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Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover
PETA is an organization that has been “trying to change the world” for the last 30 years. Usually, organizations that try to change the world focus on the negatives that people are doing, and glorify what they’re doing to create a good name for their company. A lot of the time, organizations try to reach certain people through advertisement. A great way to advertise a brand is through internet or social media, because with a click of a mouse information can reach a large number of people instantaneously. With the knowledge that they can reach a large amount of people on their Facebook page, PETA makes sure what they post will not necessarily make the reader happy, but to create an alternate sense of reality …show more content…

PETA has been in the business of “saving” animal lives for over 30 years, and through-out their page they comment on how saved countless animal lives in that time. “PETA was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals” also creating a post saying “millions of animals saved and millions more to go”. They also use their large following “(PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 3 million members and supporters” that also includes celebrities “Glee star Lea Michele exposes the heartbreaking living conditions of NYC horses forced to pull carriages.” to create a sense of trust. For most people, to see a familiar face standing up for a cause or an organization, will allow an audience to attach the name to the organization, and make the assumption that the celebrity themselves endorse what the organization is doing. Also, by using actors, it could help expand the reach of their organization to different people. Say a person loves a certain TV show and the lead actor supports PETA. That could be enough for a person who doesn’t necessarily know, or support what PETA is doing; to share that post, or even donate

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