
Peter Singer's All Animals Are Equal

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The majority of the population would consider it up surd to entertainor even considersuch an idea of equal rights to animals. However, this is exactly the position Peter Singer, author of, “All Animals Are Equal” has taken. Singer holds the unpopular beliefofequalhappiness of humansand nonhumancreature of occupying the world.Singerbelieves that all animals, with no specificity of dumb animals or smart animals but all animalsshould be granted moral status, similar to that of thecounterpart, humans. Singer articulatesthis argument in an affirming way. He draws the conclusion, that nonhuman entitiesshould be given equal status and moral consideration as human entities is reached though hispresentation of premises that if an entity can shield, …show more content…

He statesthat, "precisely what our concern or consideration requires us to do may vary according to the characteristics of those affected by what we do."This sums up a fewof the earlier points and rebuttalsspeciesism, (the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation ofanimals)head on. He goes through reasons why the differences between healthy and disabled humans can be wiser than healthy humansand certain non-human animals, the commonalitiesbetween human and non-human animals leaves no choice but to find that all animals are equal.Furthermore, people who do not like this position and disapprove of this ideawould say something to the likes of “humansare the intellectually elitebeings whohave a right to so take advantage of their surroundings such as animals, vegetation, and such to maximize their livelihood, primarily their ability to feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction.” To this Singer would easily say that one’s intellectual faculties can be misleading.For example, this premise is a weak one and isinvalid because if you take into account those who function at a particular intelligence levelis the cut off for being granted the “principle of equal consideration” then you would have to exclude certain humanhandicaps and disabilities since some people are mentally challenged and young children do not possess the same mental faculties as perhaps some

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