
Peter Ward Journey

Decent Essays

This movie was well dialogues. The play writer told the story of Peter Ward with such finesse. The writer was attempting to share with his audience. Peter Ward was a man that was being held in a mental health facility. The Criminal Justice Department was unable to charge him with the murders of his wife and two children. There was lack of evidence and he was found incompetent to stand trial. He was suffering with a mental disorder known as schizophrenia. This is a mental disorder with various psychotic dimensions that reflect confusion of boundaries between self and the external world. Delusions and hallucinations are real to this person as they were real to Peter Ward. Peter was released from the mental health facility after 5 years. The writer held this information and allowed the viewer to experience Peter’s delusions. The viewer was allowed to take the journey with Peter and see the world as he saw it. …show more content…

He returned to the home he once lived in and to the life he shared with his family as the dream in this house began. He was reliving all that he knew and shared with them. They were real and interacting with him on a daily basis. Peter would speak with different members within the town. They would respond to him strangely. Their responses pulled the viewer in to sympathize with Peter and his situation of a stranger hanging around their home and endangering his family. The writer shared information that was puzzling to the viewer. The viewer would not be able to put together the coping mechanisms Peter was able to develop, until he was able to relive the eventful night of the

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