
Petroleum : The Dependence On Petroleum

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The dependence on petroleum in today’s society would have stunned the 19th century producers of Pennsylvania “rock oil.” Since the advent of the modern petroleum industry, the demand and dependence upon petroleum and its products has steadily risen making it a highly valuable commodity in industrialized parts of the world. Petroleum and its byproducts are found in transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil, and is part of the raw materials used to create chemicals, cosmetics, plastics, and synthetic materials found in almost all consumable products. Whether we realize, understand, or acknowledge it, petroleum is a resource incorporated into nearly every aspect of our lives. The founders of the oil industry in America could never have dreamed of humanity’s unprecedented dependence on petroleum. However, along with immense success and affluence in most of the world’s societies, it comes at a cost. As useful and beneficial as oil is to industry and business, petroleum has elicited an immensely harmful impact upon the world’s environment and ecosystems.

The origins of the petroleum industry were founded in northwestern Pennsylvania in 1859. A man by the name of Edwin L. Drake constructed the first oil well, and his success began an international search for petroleum. Yet, it wasn’t until 1901 when rapid modernization of the industry occurred. On a hill in southeastern Texas known as Spindletop Hill, oil was struck and “black

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