Jessica, I like that you pointed out that we should show a delicate consideration to our friends and relatives who may be wanting to attain advice or answers from us concerning any drug therapy questions that they may have. I think that it is very important to let them know that we care about them and their questions, but that we are not qualified professionally to answer them. I would advise them to contact their doctor about getting answers to their questions and also their pharmacist. I would never want to give my opinion or advice on something and it be inaccurate information or something that is professionally unethical for me to do. I think pointing them to reliable, professionals for their medical concerns and questions is the most
The pharmacist must offer to discuss the unique drug therapy regimen of each Medicaid recipient when filling prescriptions for them. Each patient must be made an offer to be counseled by the pharmacist. The items to be addressed include, the name of the drug, intended use of expected action, common side effects and their avoidance, techniques for self-monitoring, proper storage, potential drug-drug or drug-food contraindications, refill
"Children, young people, their parents or legal guardians, and health care professionals in all settings make decisions about medicines based on sound information about risk and benefit. They have access to safe and effective medicines that are prescribed on the basis of the best available evidence" (Caldwell, 2013).
When making the decision to prescribe there are a number of influence you have to consider. It is important to have an awareness of these influences and take them into consideration when issuing a prescription. It is importance to have knowledge of the DOH (2006) Medicines Matters this give guidance on the mechanisms available for prescribing and administration and supply of products. Team trends and external company’s and there representatives promoting their products have a big influence on your prescribing practice Bradley (2006) found that these influences were of concern to some nurses feeling that their colleague may ask them to prescribe for patients they haven’t seen. Thomas (2008)
Traditionally, pharmacists had no power of questioning any order made by the physician. It was also stated that a pharmacist had no power of advising the patient on the usage of medication. Currently, pharmacists have been given more power and therefore have the mandate of questioning any prescription from the physician. It has been observed that pharmacist can today share information with the doctor and ensure that patients get the right medication. Laws have allowed pharmacists to be consulted on some medications by patients, allowing patients to trust pharmacist on some simple questions that they do not need to visit their doctor. Pharmacists play a significant role in advising the patient today on the type of medication they are taking they are also held to the same standard when it comes to rules and
All three providers have agreed that prescribing a pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment regimen must result from clinical judgment based on a thorough assessment of the patient and the patient’s environment, present and past medical history, current home medication, the determination of differential diagnosis and appropriate diagnostic procedure, a review of potential alternative therapies and specific knowledge about the drug chosen and the disease process it is designed to treat (Woo & Robinson, 2016; p.6).
It is important to establish and maintain effective communication, professionalism, and a scientific relationship with clients. It is essential to always preserve the relationship because it is vital to the client’s success of treatment. It is also imperative to consider the way in which information is delivered to clients and their family or caregivers. One must eliminate jargoning while attempting to communicate with clients. The use of scientific terminology of a particular study can become lost when engaging with a client or family members. By eliminating jargoning we are reaching them in a way that is easily understood by those not proficient in those terms of the field. Those that understand the intervention are more likely to adhere
The way in which I can exercise my duty of care in a risky situation is not to take steps to stop someone doing what they want but to access the risks carefully and to look at the protecting factors. I may have to think about what other protecting factors I can put in place so that the risk is managed effectively such as: A client may develop acute symptoms if he does not take his medication – I could reduce the risk by increasing visits to ensure the medication is taken correctly.
If an individual expresses that they want to discontinue their medication and becomes non-compliant with their medication then it is my role to identify the risk they are currently posing and update their risk assessment; inform their CMHT and let the citizen know of the consequences to them not taking their medication and reiterate that it is their choice, as long as they have all the information to make a decision (wise or unwise). It is important to emphasise that not all individuals understand information the same way, therefore I have found that the use of internet, booklets, music, audio recordings, talking group therapy and pictures can be applied to explain a situation to a resident if they are unsure of particular consequences to their health.
Based on the readings and information provided by scholars it is imperative for psychologists to communicate with both the client as well as the prescribing physician.
I would like to offer you my most sincere apology for my rude and offensive behavior during your service at the Eunice Country Club. I understand that you were just doing your job, and I have let my frustration overcome my actions. I have taken full responsibility for the offensive things I have said or done. I can assure you that there will not be a repeat of misconduct at any time during my employment, or during any encounter with a member of the Eunice Police Department. I realize that my behavior has not only negatively affected you, but also the Eunice Country Club's business. Because of this, I will focus more on doing my job in a correct and courteous manner. I hope you accept my apology and forgive my disrespect
The twenty-first century has seen pharmaceutical companies grow in unprecedented size and strength. Due to the unprecedented growth the larger pharmaceutical companies have gained leverage and power in the prescription drug industry, but they lack innovation to market and they seek ways to help the business continue to increase its profits. The pharmaceutical industry was once ethically sound and was a valuable player in the development of human health. However, overtime with the lack of innovation pharmaceutical companies are becoming an unethical market that exploits patients, doctors and anyone else it can to increase its profitability. With eyes only on profitability this can create a hazard for patients because there
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Brandon Brumley, a pharmacist practicing at Right Choice Pharmacy.
To Mr. Mcnutt, i do apologize for the incident between us in which i made you feel threatened and unsafe those were not my intentions at all. I'm aware of the decisions and choices that were made leading up to the altercation and i see that i could've handled things much calmer and more controlled than i did. I recognize that my behavior no matter how right i felt at the time was not the way i want to carry on or treat my fellow students here at the University of Memphis. My behavior was out of character and unusual for me i'm a very even-keeled individual, i have i passion for football and it presented itself strongly in that moment but not in the manner i would have liked it to. Once again my actions were not acceptable i seek to have control
My Butler University academic training and intern experience has positioned me to recognize and appreciate the essential role performed by the clinical pharmacist. Although sometimes transparent, it is the clinical pharmacist that is central to a patient’s ultimate successful recovery. This was evident during my clinical rotations, where I directly participated in the optimization of medication therapy to achieve patient-specific outcomes; it is for this reason I am impassioned and compelled to pursue a residency. As a PGY-1 resident, I plan to apply my clinical knowledge in the acute and ambulatory care settings to identify medication-related problems and make therapeutic recommendations in collaboration with other practitioners. Upon completion
Today in the 21st century the roles of pharmacist have expanded tremendously. Before pharmacist had the role of solely dispensing drugs. Pharmacists were limited to only being regulatory or clinical pharmacist. Back then they were called medical purveyors who were much like today’s regulatory pharmacist and hospital pharmacist who are similar to hospital pharmacist. Now pharmacists carry many roles in healthcare. Pharmacist can play roles in public health, community, health systems, state, and federal government.