
Pharmacist Refill Research Paper

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Set up and workflow of my pharmacy is easy and pretty fast. When a patient comes in with a prescription or for a refill, it takes about twenty minutes to fill up the prescription. If a patient comes in with new prescription, it is inputted and check then directly goes into the filling. In my pharmacy, there is an automatic calling system which gives the patient a call or a text message when their prescription is ready if they are being added to the system. If there is a refill, then pharmacist can check on their profile whether they have refills or not. If no refills are left pharmacist calls the physician and give all the information about the patient, and authorize the refill on the patient’s behalf. Once the refill is being authorized, pharmacist can fill the prescription. Technician fills up the prescription by grabbing the right bottle from the shelves. The medicine bottles are kept alphabetically, which makes the technician work easy. In summation to that there is a different shelf where the fast mover medications are kept. After filling the medication, pharmacist checks the medication name, quantity dispensed, NDC of the …show more content…

The technician takes all the checked bag and keep it in the picking area where the bags are arranged according to the day which it is being filled. When the patient comes to pick up their medication, they are asked for their first name, last name, and DOB. After confirming all this information, they system shows the bag number in which it has that particular patient’s medicine. Technician grabs that particular bag, and after paying, hands their medication to them. Once picked up, pharmacist comes near the counseling window and ask if the patient has any questions for him or her. Pharmacist clarifies all the queries about the patient. Patients have easy access to the pharmacist, so that they can come easily and inquire about any question they

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