Process analysis is the systematic breakdown of the phases of a process. The first piece of the process is the initiation phase, where the business identified a problem in the human resources (HR) system. A proposal to develop software for the real-time integration of the HR system with multiple other systems of record was submitted to solve the problem. After the business approves the proposal, the next part of the process is system concept development. This phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) involves collecting system boundary documentation that identifies the scope of the system, conducting a feasibility study and cost/benefit analysis, and developing a risk management plan (Blaha & Rumbaugh, 2005).
The business requirement is for an automated analysis of HR data and real-time identity integration between numerous systems. Automation adds value to the business, saves time and manpower, and makes HR data more accurate. While the implementation of a real-time system represents a considerable investment for the business, it will be more cost-efficient since it would drastically reduce delays incurred from manually updating information in each system. A real-time system also helps the business achieve certain government regulation requirements and prevent significant audit findings.
The first step in the implementation of a real-time system is to gather as much information as possible. All data from the current HR system should be transferred to the new
Riordan Manufacturing is a company looking to upgrade their HR System. Their HR System is out of date and needs to improve its usefulness and effectiveness. Based on the Service Request SR-rm-004, this paper will prepare and describe information-gathering techniques and design methods for the Riordan Manufacturing HR System project. This paper will also identify key factors that will help ensure information for the project is gathered. The paper will also explain the scope and feasibility of the project. Finally, this paper will design and implement a new HR system for Riordan Manufacturing.
With the new HRIS system now installed and accessible Kendall must now transfer all existing employee data from old systems to the new. This will require one, and possibly multiple, database transfers from the older systems. A database script will make this data transfer the most efficient, and Kendall will have the option to complete this himself, or use the resources made available by the HRIS system vendor for assistance. Once all employee data has been transferred to the new HRIS database, it’s integrity must be verified by running a number of system scans, checking for discrepancies and possible data corruption. Once the new database has been tested and verified Kendall would inform the project manager the next phase is ready to begin.
Riordan manufacturing has requested an upgrade to their current human resources system. They currently have several disparate tools that are patched together in order to complete HR functions. Many Excel spreadsheets are used by different parts of HR, and combining all resources into one system can provide many time saving advantages and a more reliable system over all. By reviewing who the stakeholders are and what the best information-gathering techniques are we can ensure that we collect the information for the requirements and stay within the scope of the project.
The first step in setting up the new Human Resource Application, (HRA), is to gather information about the system requirements and user needs from everyone that will be involved in the startup and rollout of the new system. The process of gathering information from involved stakeholders can be a tedious process if the wrong techniques are used. So, to expedite this in an orderly and timely manner we will be passing out questioners to all members of the Human Resource Department and to all Department heads. Using Questioners will help the IT department get an idea of what requirements are expected from the new system. It is not cost efficient to talk to each employee so, it would be very beneficial for all that every questioner is filled out in a timely manner. We will be emailed to each employee on Monday September 9th, 2013 and would like a response no later than Thursday September 12th, 2013, (for processing purposes). Questioners will also be available on the Employee Web Site under HR applications.
The implementation portion of the Riordan project could in fact, prove to be one of the most challenging parts. However, this could be the part that is worth all of the effort. There will have to be a team of experienced developers in various different Information Technology fields to see the implementation portion stage through to completion; this cannot be known as a “one-man show.” Several of the departments within the Riordan organization will have to be given priorities when it comes to implementing the new human resource management system. Since this type of system has been deemed automated and is on an Information Technology platform, the
Riordan Manufacturing is in need of updating their decrepit HRIS system to stay profitable. This system will move from the legacy system, integrated with the financial system, into a new standalone system used to integrate all of the HR tools within the system presently.
Riordan Manufacturing is seeking a new system that will consolidate all of their Human Resource related data. Currently, the data that will be a part of the new system is spread out through different departments of the company. The new system will allow this data to be saved in a central location, while only allowing viewing access to certain employees. The access will be much the same as currently in place, but located in a single system. Lastly, the implementation of the new system will be not be a quick process, because it would be safer the company completes a test run to few end users before completely releasing the system.
Riordan Manufacturing COO Hugh McCauley is requesting the implementation of a modern, state-of-the-art information system to integrate all existing HR tools into a single application. To achieve the desired goal, a very detailed investigation needs to be performed, studying the actual processes that Riordan Manufacturing currently uses. Also, a series of stakeholders will provide the adequate feedback trough a series of face-to-face interviews and meticulous observation of their respective working environments. These tools will help create a system that will maximize time
Hugh McCaughley, Chief Operations Officer of Riordan Manufacturing has requested a new system for the Human Resources department of their company which would be implemented and utilized at three plant locations and the company headquarters. To build the new human resources system properly, information must be collected from various areas of Riordan Manufacturing, and the information will be collected in a variety of ways. This information must then be used to determine such items as scope of the project which can allow for feasibility studies to ensure the system should be implemented,
The system development life cycle is a formal four-step process that can be followed in order to identify a problem and solve it. The first step is
* HRIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Explain how automation might create a more efficient process from the HR function chosen. How might an HRIS application assist the business?
The main purpose of the GenRays’ HRIS project is to replace the primitive legacy system by centralizing and streamlining Human Resource’s (HR) functions, and improving the current HR processes while facilitating growth and saving money across the organization.
Changing your engine oil is one of the single most important vehicle maintenance acts you can perform. Over time the oil breaks down and no longer performs its job the way it did when it was new. Your engine 's oil helps absorb heat from the engine and lubricates moving metal parts that would otherwise grind together. As you drive, the oil pump circulates oil within your engine and the oil filter catches the deposits that build up over time. The oil filter performs its own type of car maintenance by keeping the oil clean. But as the oil gets older, the number of deposits in the oil continues to build and the filter is unable to extract all of the material. When this happens, the color of the oil changes and it indicates the oil should be
There are two purposes that HR technology serves in an organization. The first is to improve the efficiency of employee data and HR activities collection. At Xerox, the use of HR technology has been instrumental in making HR services more accessible to their workforce. The second purpose of HR technology is to capture a greater degree of informational data that enables HR planning and managerial decision making. Again, Xerox made use of this aspect by supplying intranet employee surveys and tracking employee views on the company and HR. The
Human resource management’s (HRM) role is changing in business. In the past, HR was a nothing but an administrative support function, now it is a key player in a business’s strategic planning. Today HR must have the ability to manage employees in way that contributes directly to a organization’s strategic goals. This sudden paradigm shift in purpose now feeds HR manager’s need for integrated systems that also include business intelligence. As companies look for more responsive and effective systems, outdated HR systems fall to the wayside as new modern and agile systems evolve.