
Phenomenology Of Friedrich Hegel

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Gorge Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born in the year 27th August, 1770, in Stuttgart, Germany. He studied philosophies and classics at Tubingen. He was a tutor and an editor and explored theology after his graduation. “The Phanomenologie des Geistes” (The Phenomenology of Sprit) was his first work being published in 1807. He was the person who propounded the ‘Dialectical method’. Which is usually in a three stages namely thesis (giving rise to its reaction), antithesis (negates the thesis) and the tension between thesis and the antithesis being resolved by the means of antithesis (Sparknotes, 2005). In a simple form dialectics method can be understood as problem to reaction and finally to solution. Hegel was influenced by other philosopher like …show more content…

Hegel believed that absolute sprit reveals itself as history, which includes all natural, social, and historical events and phenomena. Hegel’s idealism is based upon the notion of absolute sprit, thus his idealism is called ‘Absolute …show more content…

Master-slave dialectic is a process of negotiation and mutual interdependence. Hegel believes that the consciousness for-the-Master is not an independent but a dependent on slave. According to Hegel, both master and slave recognize their own existence only in relation of the other. Among the many implications of the master-slave dialectic, then, is the idea of there being mutual dependence between master and slave rather than a blanket opposition of dominance to subordination. The slave ironically shares in the master's power because the master defines himself only in opposition to the slave; that is, the master needs the slave in order to legitimate his comparative

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