Sue has been with Tnemec for over 30 years and knows all aspects of her job responsibilities. She has an above average level of technical administrative and procedural knowledge, but there is room for improvement in relations to Oracle and its processes. For example: When an Item is canceled or changed, Sue has to enter an Rma to make the material available for a new order. This becomes time consuming and requires familiarity of the system in order to do the processes in a timely manner. Sue is getting better at re-assigning delivery tickets, and catching errors before she releases pick tickets. To earn a higher rating, she needs to learn how to process Rma’s, and become more experienced shipping International orders. Sue is excellent with
Overall, Bloom’s constituents will receive AB-2844 well. Assemblyman Bloom represents the 50th Assembly District of the State of California. The amended version of AB-2844 does not affect his constituents directly in the way that a bill on road repair would. This means that his constituents will not see the effects of this bill in their daily lives and thus are less likely to have strong opinions on it. Additionally, the amount of money this bill proposes to spend is insignificant when taking into consideration California’s budget, making the fiscal aspect of the bill a non-issue. Furthermore, the current form of this bill prevents public institutions from conducting business with entities that discriminate based on nationality. Majority of
The senior director of Ottawa Valley Food Products, R.J. Jennings, is having issues with his replacement administrative assistant. His former assistant was very outgoing and willing to work long hours in order to please her boss and to get the work done in a timely manner. When she took an early retirement, the company hired a replacement assistant for Mr. Jennings. Over her time with the company the new assistant, Mary Gregory, was at times incapable of the workload she had been given, which her predecessor had no trouble with. Not only was Mary incompetent at times, she also seemed to have no sense of proper business etiquette.
As one of four children, chores should by split equally amongst the children, so that each child is not overwhelmed by duties. There will two chores assigned to me daily. On top of the two daily chores, each child shall mow when permitted once a month. When the season calls for snow, every child shall help shovel the driveway. Nikole Miller chose the chores, done by each child daily, at the beginning of each week.
Provide a reason for why companies should invest in ergonomically correct furniture and computer hardware.
Having a double undergraduate major in Accounting and Integrated Supply Management and an MBA from a renowned business school qualified Abby Conroy, CMA, for her position at Ace Fertilizer Company. She has been employed at Ace Fertilizer for the past three years, and is a highly respected employee. Her hard work and dedication to detail resulted in a series of rapid promotions. Currently, Abby is assistant director of manufacturing and is primarily responsible for special customer orders. Meeting the needs of customers in manufacturing special orders has become a very profitable portion of Ace’s operations. These special orders sometimes complement, but
EMS 310 Blackboard Discussion Week 2 - Mandatory Natural Disaster Evacuations - Who should perform this duty?
SolutionsLeslie herselfFit in with the organizationBy just reading the case, it seems to me that Leslie did not really fit in with the organization. She just wanted to show people what she's capable of as an Executive Director by changing and deciding things that she felt needed to be changed. The first thing she should to do is trying to build relationships with everyone. Do not think we could build relationships with everyone right away. It needs time. Making changes would be bad ideas because Leslie is not using her credibility to make changes; she's using her role power to do so. Here is what Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman said from their streaming media article, "The First Rule for New Managers", "Don't try new things. Don't be different. Don't try to prove you are you. Be quiet, keep your head down, and certainly walk around and talk to people. Don't try to impress anybody to become part of the organization. At some point
This memo will discuss ways that technology can be used to improve this organization’s performance. Additionally, it will consider the optimal methods for expanding the business’s online presence to include online sales. This will include information on how to incorporate intelligent systems and security features to guarantee that customers’ interaction with the new system will be positive. This memo will also analyze this business’s current and anticipated technology and information systems and provide option for other technologies or information systems that will be beneficial for the company. In discussing these options, information will be included to show how the options will advance or improve the business and enhance our customers’ experience.
Then Martin Luther King changes direction and begins to discuss his disappointment in the white moderate and the church. The clergymen claim that the time will come for equality at a “convenient season,” and that King is promoting tension between the community. King disputes their claim by asserting that the tension was always there and it is white moderate that is hindering freedom, on the belief that order is more important than justice. He alludes to Hitler’s Nazi Germany, recalling “…everything Hitler did in Germany was “legal” and every-thing the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was “illegal.” It was “illegal” to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany” (King, 7). By alluding to a horrendous time in history, he creates an
2. Carry out your own TNA identifying the learning and development needs you could use to be able to do your current job more successfully. If you
The key problem that is described for this case “Improvements at ServeNow" involves the management practices of Mr. Bushley, who has been too busy to standardize a training program for his management team, and has no potential successors for the 4 mangers he is losing to entrepreneurship and retirement. Faced with this challenge, he has hired a consultant to assist with this transitional period and plan for better training and effective communication in the future. Mr. Bushley says that he does not have time or experience to help alleviate the situation. The use of technology for training and communication
Malala Yousafzai is a female education activist from the Middle Eastern country, Pakistan. Malala is most known for being the girl who was shot by the Taliban for standing up for girls rights. This strong woman did not let getting shot ruin her chances of making a difference. After her quick recovery she went right back to work for helping young girls around the world. To this day, she is making a difference in the world for women’s rights and girls education. In many ways Malala shows the characteristics of a women with Christian serivce, through her activism. Malala Yousafzai has started to change the world in many ways. Through her women’s rights movements to her standing up for women’s education, she is changing the way the world’s view women.
One of my major tasks in ERT Corporation is analyzing RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) devices, which include checking for stored reports, analyzing device status, and closing tickets when completed. I always come to work at eight in the morning. First thing to do is to pick up devices in Production, which checked in daily at around six AM. Then I assign those devices to Gil (my supervisor). After I check all those devices in, there will be some cases that Tier I created yesterday that still left in the queue. For those cases, I need to match the asset tag and device type in each ticket with the data in Device History, and then I can change the status to pending (Subject is shipping that device back to us). I will need to log an activity
Firstly, Karen Mitchell, who was the best choice based on the previous evaluation criteria, was challenging for selling skills and ranked the fourth with new criteria. Karen had excellent operational skills (Rank 1) with fast, accurate and professional performance. She had good relationship with fellow CSRs and customers. Three and half years teller experience was sufficient for promotion. She also showed that she wanted to take more responsibilities. However, on the downside, Karen’s selling performance was poor and showed resistance for bank’s new policies. Although the managers had talked to her to improve the selling skills, she still thought that CSRs and tellers were nearly the same position to provide fast and accurate operation, not selling. If Karen was promoted to the head CSR, the assignment and operational works would be performed well, but the selling performance might decline. The number of customers might be retained or even increased, but the profit might go down.
I knew that even after I graduate from the masters program that I would like to continue to expand my knowledge through taking various workshops and even volunteering to enhance my social work skills and to be able to serve the clients that I support. This would involve taking advantage of any opportunities to be able to attend any local and regional meetings, conferences and workshops sponsored by professional organization, which may include an organization that I work for or even College of Social Work. For me personally, I finding having experience working in different areas and with different populations to be helpful in understanding of the various complex issues and strategies to combating issues. That is why I am always open to working