
Philadelphia Experiment Conspiracy Essay

Decent Essays

Philadelphia Experiment: The truth in the Conspiracy
Imagine a future more advanced than the time we live in. A future filled with inventions we can only imagine, a future where a single thought can takes us across the world in a matter of seconds. Redundant to the sentence above it. Can you imagine a future where militaries can cloak their ships making it invisible to the human eye? Is this an interesting future? Carlos Meredith Allen or Allende, was born on May 31, 1925; in Springdale Pennsylvania to an English father and a French mother. Growing up, Allende display signs of brilliance in school but never uses his brilliance to his advantage. Allende then grew up, and claimed that the U.S. Navy hid facts about their Philadelphia Experiment. On the other hand, the U.S. Navy said they never conducted a Philadelphia Experiment and Allende was only trying to start a conspiracy. Allende may be telling the truth about the navy hiding facts about the Philadelphia Experiment, or the U.S. truly did not conduct the experiment and Allende is trying to create a conspiracy. With Allende’s unrealistic story and as the only person to come out about the Philadelphia experiment, he is most likely trying to create a conspiracy. Also there is no evidence that the Navy conducted a Philadelphia Experiment. With no evidence, …show more content…

Another example is the assassination of John F. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was the first killed for going against the government, leading to the public insecurities of the government. Soon after, Kennedy’s younger brother ran for president trying to continue what his brother believed in but he was met with the same tragedy. The public reaction was sky high and the trust that people had for the government decreased overtime leading to more government conspiracies. A government cannot be trusted if they are not truthful to the

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