
Philadelphia Loren Women And Beauty

Decent Essays

Today in society almost everything is affected by beauty whether it’s done consciously or subconsciously. The fairness of beauty is a controversial subject since the world we live in prizes beauty and rewards those who are believed to be beautiful. However, most people on each side agree on the fact that beauty is valuable. Italian actress and author, Sophia Loren, believes this statement but also claims in her book, Women and Beauty, “beauty may seem unfair until you come to understand what beauty really is and what part it plays in your life.” Although Loren’s point is strong, her personal experience with beauty leaves her blind unable to notice the other side of the spectrum. Beauty comes with it’s own advantages and disadvantages, but what …show more content…

The most common goal is to be able to mate and pass along offspring. Similarly to natural selection, Charles Darwin called this motive “sexual selection.” An example of sexual selection involves the peacock. Females are generally attracted to the males with the most eyespots on their tail. By possessing this “beautiful” trait, the peacock is able to pass along his genes much easier than one with a less beautiful tail. Another less-known illustration is the olive fruit fly species. Studies have shown that females are more attracted to the males that can vibrate their wings faster than others. While these qualities are evidently valuable since they benefit those who have it, is it necessarily fair? Unlike humans, less attractive animals don’t have makeup or cosmetic surgery to help them look nicer so they’re forced to go through life with a smaller chance of mating than if they were more beautiful. Although some animals having different chances than others may seem unfair at first, the reality is that beauty is actually fair. The reason is because beauty is one of the key traits prioritized by animals to pass down to offspring and serves an important role in their species. So if beauty in animals is valuable but fair then why should beauty in humans be any …show more content…

It would make sense that the people with the most talent in a sport would be spoken about more on social media, although that’s not the case in this day and age. For example, one of the most popular female pole vaulters in the world is Allison Stokke. After having pictures of her posted without her permission on a blog, she became famous across the internet. Ever since then, Stokke has been written about in numerous articles and received multiple modeling offers. Another American pole vaulter, Jenn Suhr, holds the indoor world record and is a defending Olympic gold medalist. Stokke, who receives much more fame and wealth than Suhr, has only gotten as far as the Olympic Trials where she didn’t even clear the opening height. Suhr is more successful yet doesn’t get as much attention only because she isn’t as beautiful which shows how society prioritizes beauty unfairly over other traits. These standards of beauty that have an effect on people for their entire lives is also illustrated in the article, Let’s Change Tired Old Standards of Beauty. When the author describes her girlfriend, she mentions that her girlfriend thinks her nose is “too” big and her face is “too” fat. There shouldn't be a standard in the first place for what makes a feature too big or too small. A long as there aren’t any factors such as a health

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