Philospohy Statement
Teachers positively affect young minds. One of the greatest achievements a teacher can experience is watching all students, including Enlgish Language Learners, expand their knowledge to their full potential. I want to become a teacher because I want to make a positive impact on a person’s life. Once, I obtain my own classroom, I know that not all students will know how to speak English, therefore as a teacher I plan on using various tips and methods in order to teach them English.
As a teacher, I want my classroom to be a progressive classroom. I want all my students, including ELLs, to learn by doing and learn by experiences. I want to build my curriculum based on my student’s experiences, interests, and encourage my students to work together cooperatively. My
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ELL students will work on activities in small groups. Students will depend on one another and work together to reach a set goal. Group work allows students flexibility, to move, talk, and free to be creative, which helps facilitate English learning. Group work allows students to help each other in their weaknesses and teaches them they can rely on each other and not just the teacher when they cannot understand a certain concept. In addition, group work not only increases their understanding of concepts, group work also increases their social skills. As a teacher, I will used cooperative learning techniques developed by Robert Slavin, such as rewards are only earned when the entire team achieves the goals I set as a teacher. Overall, I want to create a safe classroom to all students, especially ELLs. I want my ELL students to feel safe to express themselves without the fear of bullying, mentally, emotionally, and physically. If my ELL students do not feel safe in my classroom, how would I expect them to excel in English because if they do not feel safe they will not even try to speak or write English it in
1-Explain (summarize and explain the main ideas of the philosopher) and evaluate (give reasons to defend your analysis of the views by giving arguments) the view of Anaxagoras regarding the nature of reality?
I believe that education is the key in developing today’s students into tomorrow’s leaders. Education is the basis on which individuals develop their self-concept and the desire to become more knowledgeable. I want to become an educator because I am interested in helping elementary students become active learners and also to assist with their social skills. I believe I can make a difference to many students as they start their educational foundation. I feel that all teachers should possess the desire to devote their hard work and efforts to their students’ educational success. I view teaching as not only one of the most respected careers, but also as one in which the rewards are great and many
I hope to embrace all parts of every student and include all different types of learners as I create my future classroom. As future and hopeful elementary education teacher I want to give every child the opportunity to be a part of my classroom.
By teaching young students English, I will give them an ability to engage in mutually beneficial interactions with millions of people who speak English all over the world. I hope that my efforts to serve them and to engage and interact with them will empower them and free them to learn more about the world around them. I believe that power and freedom are closely related and that when one is given a greater power to communicate with others, they are given a freedom to do something that they could not do before. While there are students all over the world that could benefit from the teaching of English, I feel compelled to teach English in Spain because my studies of the country have played an important role in my knowledge of the Spanish language and of world
As a teacher, I implement multiple curricula including mathematics, literacy and science, incorporating the Pennsylvania Common Core State Standards into lesson planning. With lesson planning, I use a backwards design approach that combines coherent instruction with formative and summative assessments that align with the instructional outcomes. I have differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all my students in the classroom, including those of 3 ELL students. Throughout the year I have administered a successful proactive classroom management plan that demonstrated effective behavior management with 23 diverse students that has created a positive learning environment for all students. I have developed a strong relationship and communication
Philosophy is an all-important aspect of our lives. It is philosophy that we turn to when have the need to seek out a guiding principle for our lives. Therefore, philosophy holds a prominent place in society and in the world. Basically, everyone is a philosopher, but it takes the creative genius and reasoning of brilliant thinkers to bring about world-shattering concepts. Nevertheless, the common man also ruminates about his life and his unique existence to try to find the meaning of his life. Over a life time, a constitution or a theme is developed to discern the ideas that one can readily accept. Interestingly, the philosophies of men separated by vast chasms of time and space all embrace upon a common theme of
Philosophy is defined by Webster as "Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline" or "Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods." This essay is a general look at those who pursued that intellectual means, those who investigated, even those who reasoned Reason. Because volumes could be written and this is a rather quick, unworthy paper: apologizes.
The first question asked of many teachers is (What can teachers do to foster positive student engagement in the classroom?) This meaning how do teacher’s act and react with the students. In doing this the teacher must develop interactive and relevant lessons and activities while encouraging each student to be active and being supportive in their accomplishments. By realizing that each student sees things differently and understands them in different manners, a teacher must always support them and show them the way of learning with enthusiasm. They need to understand not only the assignments but also that in the future they will have a better understanding of the lessons learned. (Akey, 2006:Garcia-Reid et al.,2005)
The philosophical debate begins as Socrates states that a true philosopher “has reason to be of good cheer when he is about to die”, although suicide is not acceptable. Cebes is confused by what seems to be a contradiction because for those who would consider death a blessing, cannot take their own lives, but must wait for their lives to be taken from them. Socrates explains that the “gods are our guardians, and that we are a possession of theirs”, and so have no right to harm ourselves. True philosophers spend their entire lives preparing for death and dying, so it would be inappropriate if they were to be sad when the moment of death finally arrived. “I am afraid that other people do not realize that the one aim of those who practice
It has not been easy but challenging and interesting. Unfortunately in this present job I have no colleagues, institution authorities or supervisors, which means anything I do in the classroom hardly ever provides me any feedback of what I am doing. Except of course for the eventual commentaries I receive from my students and the annual performance evaluation. Therefore I had this urgent necessity of obtaining some refreshment and reviewing of what I am doing in my classroom. I need to make a stop to reflect about how effective my teaching is. If the things I am doing are adequate and suitable to take my pupils to achieve their goal to communicate in the target language. Teaching in this context was at the beginning of the journey a frightening and stressing episode, first of all because I did not know anything about mining, geology, finance and accounting, just to mention some and not to make myself look like a complete ignorant. Secondly the atmosphere in a corporate has nothing to do with the informal ambience in an elementary school and thirdly but not least important, the students expectations and perceptions are not the same. Thus, I had to remake myself.
A progressive classroom looks different, and a progressive teacher inspires unique thinking in individual students differently, as well. Instead of being strict with a set curriculum and specific subject to cover, teachers find their students’ present interests, abilities, and needs. Developing individualized education plans based on student interests and
English language teaching is really a big challenge for teachers as it is difficult for them to instruct each learner or student to use the target language. This has become a real problem for teachers and students. This study is about the effect of pair and group work of improving the students speaking performance. According to “Gabriela Bunga Pramudhita (2008); it is very difficult for the teacher to make an effective class”. In this regard, there must be motivation which can be from both teachers and students. The problems in performing this really exist from the using and applying certain approaches by teacher who must know well which approach he must use according to the need of his students. In Saudi Arabia, students tend to be passive; therefore, the teacher should have a skill of forming and creating fun and good atmosphere in the class, so that he can prevent the students from tiredness and boredom. It is actually being better for the teacher not to use the way of lecturing; instead he has to use the way of interacting and participating with
According to author Bowman, (2015) in tomorrow’s classrooms, the teacher’s challenges will be to create teams and groups to support ELLs. On a lower level, one could imagine a teacher changing the collective intelligence of a group by changing some or all the students in it, and replacing some students with others who demonstrate higher levels of social intelligence. In our future classroom setting, other factors such as group size will likely affect a group’s progressing. Also, small group work does not always progress smoothly, some strategies may reduce the problems considerably, however selecting group sizes to support ESL students in reading and writing strategies the teachers must think critically when it comes to creating learning groups. These groups must be created so all students can engage in group activities if teachers form groups work but have the students sitting with students they feel comfortable communicating with even if they are not proficient in the English language. When creating groups for student’s things teacher can remember the generally smaller groups is better and students will feel more comfortable engaging in oral communication. ELLs working in pare share groups is the best way to motivate students talk to because each student is either talking or being talked to. Grouping up students will easily start and maintain involvement, this is especially valuable with the short attention spans of today’s students. Small group reading and
Language learning is usually seen as a problem solving activity to be engaged in by the students both independently and as a group, and the teacher needs to stay "out of the way” in the process as much as possible.
ELL students are children that are not proficient in English language. For teaching to be more efficient and effective, the teachers should know about the follows: As a teacher he/she needs to model for students what they are expected to do, especially for new skills or activities for the ELL students. Teachers should know their students cultural background and their academic level of the students. The teacher should demonstrate the learning actions, sharing your thinking processes aloud, and showing good teacher and student work samples. Teachers should speak slowly and clearly, and provide students with enough time to formulate their responses, whether in speaking or in writing. Teachers should also use visuals, sketches, gestures, intonation, and other non-verbal cues to make both language and content more accessible to students who are learning how to speak English. Teaching with visual representations of concepts can be hugely helpful to ELLs. Teachers should give verbal and written instruction which can help language learners practice how to speak English. Furthermore, teachers should regularly check for the students’ understanding the lesson by saying “Please put thumbs up or thumbs down” if the lesson is clear. Teachers should encourage English learner students to continue building their literacy skills in their home language because study show that English learners learning to read in the home to promote reading achievement in the second language.