
Philospohy Statement Essay

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Philospohy Statement
Teachers positively affect young minds. One of the greatest achievements a teacher can experience is watching all students, including Enlgish Language Learners, expand their knowledge to their full potential. I want to become a teacher because I want to make a positive impact on a person’s life. Once, I obtain my own classroom, I know that not all students will know how to speak English, therefore as a teacher I plan on using various tips and methods in order to teach them English.
As a teacher, I want my classroom to be a progressive classroom. I want all my students, including ELLs, to learn by doing and learn by experiences. I want to build my curriculum based on my student’s experiences, interests, and encourage my students to work together cooperatively. My …show more content…

ELL students will work on activities in small groups. Students will depend on one another and work together to reach a set goal. Group work allows students flexibility, to move, talk, and free to be creative, which helps facilitate English learning. Group work allows students to help each other in their weaknesses and teaches them they can rely on each other and not just the teacher when they cannot understand a certain concept. In addition, group work not only increases their understanding of concepts, group work also increases their social skills. As a teacher, I will used cooperative learning techniques developed by Robert Slavin, such as rewards are only earned when the entire team achieves the goals I set as a teacher. Overall, I want to create a safe classroom to all students, especially ELLs. I want my ELL students to feel safe to express themselves without the fear of bullying, mentally, emotionally, and physically. If my ELL students do not feel safe in my classroom, how would I expect them to excel in English because if they do not feel safe they will not even try to speak or write English it in

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