I am from Vietnam, so I cannot use the website “Ancestry.com” to get more information about my ancestor. My paternal and maternal grandparents have passed away. Therefore, I can only ask my parents. My maternal grandfather is Phong Van Khuat. He was born in 1931. My maternal grandmother is Hien Thi Nguyen and she was born in 1933. They are both from North Vietnam. My mother said her Khuat family is very special. As she knows, there was a village in the formerly Son Tay province in South Vietnam where people with surname “Khuat” have been living for a long time. We don’t know where their ancestors had been moved from before they settled in that village. However, the people with surname “Khuat” in Vietnam have the same ancestors for sure. Later …show more content…
My mom and her brothers and sisters could not go to school or find a good job. Working for the former government in the past was considered to be a criminal act. Anyone had been involved with the former government was discriminated during that time. My grandfather had survived from the reeducation camp and came back to his family after 5 years. In 1985, my grandmother has passed away after many years working too hard to raise her children. Later on, my grandfather lived with his oldest son’s family. He had a feudal view of male preference. When his oldest son started to not get along very well with other sisters and brother, he kept my grandfather from seeing them. My grandfather agreed with him and stop seeing his daughters and youngest son for a long time.
I did not have a good relationship with my paternal and maternal grandparents. My paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother have had passed away before I was born. Both of my paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather had a feudal view of male preferences. So they do not have a good relationship with my mother and with me as well. The view of male preferences have such huge impact on the family that it might break up the family. I have had witnessed many arguments in my family as a result of that. Fortunately, my parents still stay together until now. They got through all of those problems.
It was interested
During WWII, two families were in hiding. The Frank family and the Van Daan family were hiding together. Both families are Jews and they went into hiding because Jews were being killed by the Nazis. A family member of the Frank family named Anne Frank wrote in a diary. She wrote down information that happened in the Annex. In the next three paragraphs I will talk about courage, compassion, and sacrifice.
Family is a topic that has always fascinated, as I believe that I grew up in a somewhat untraditional family environment. I am an only child and lived with a single mother who managed to maintain a very warm and close friendship with my father following their divorce. Regardless of the fact that they were divorced and that they lived apart, they both played major roles in raising me, and they both managed to instill the importance of family as one of the values that I hold very close to my heart. Regardless of any turbulence or dissent that may have occurred between members, blood always ran thicker than water for my both parents.
I may not remember every moment I had with my biological parents, but I know my dad was always on a short fuse, and one day, he blew up. I actually find it coincidental now how I never liked him to begin with. Even when I was that age, I never let him carry me on his shoulders or toss me in the air like any normal and loving dad
My grandparents came with me, and since I did not trust my parents, I was always glued to them. At times, when my parents wanted to talk to me, I would be stubborn, and when I did talk, I talked to them directly with bad manners. My parents wanted to take me to places and do activities together, but I would always stay home with my grandparents unless they went with me. This continued on for several weeks, until my grandparents had to go back to China. When they left, I felt abandoned and frustrated. They had spent the past five years raising me, and now they were leaving me behind with people I barely
During my time interview my grandma Moui, she stated her grandfather is named Thongdee Sophabmixay and he married my great great-grandmother Nang Laso. He was the mayor of the Muang Sami Tai of the Huaphanh province Laos. Her grandfather had married to three wives after each one of them dies and had nine children. Thongphet is Thongdee’s son which is my great grandfather and he married to Kang Koui which is my great-grandmother. Thongphet was a judge of Xiang Man City and he had nine children. However, three of the children die and the rest went to live in the country of United States, Australia, and Laos.
My family was farmers in Northwestern Germany, I share my life with ten brothers and sister, I was the middle child and It same like my childhood when by fast. I was married at sixteen to men named Louise Muccioli. At first, life was good because we live nor my whole family. However, that was about to changes, at seventeen I had my first child and my husband father died leaving him the farm. Germany was going through a time of turmoil of 1848. My husband’s family farm has dwelt because the leader of the church said we were worshiping the “wrong” religion. Not only did it cause my family to be unsafe, additional they use their police power to made it hard for my husband to get supplies to run the farm. They were pushing us out by not having
I have come from a well-meaning but very scarring, ambivalent and dysfunctional family. My father was a sometimes physically, but often times very emotionally abusive person. Using a large amount of fear and intimidation of him to control our family and home. My mother regularly took out her anger and frustration towards my father on me since my parent’s first major separation when I was seven years old which in conjunction with the negative impact of my parents’ off and on separations leading up to their eventual divorce I developed depression, anger and other behavioral problems as well. I suffered many years of abuse from my mother as a result of these things. I understood both my parents cared for me, even though their actions often time both demonstrated it and contradicted it which lead to much confusion in relationships and friendships outside of my family. One of if not the most scarring experiences were of my mother and the adults she surrounded herself with sympathizing her abuse towards me because of the abuse she endured by my father and
With my mom and dad, I had to deal with cousins that lived at my grandmother’s house, whom bullied
Growing up, I didn’t have the classic loving family everyone dreams of. I understand that no family is perfect, but some can have more or less problems than others. I have some regrets about my family. However, I also wouldn’t change a thing. My experience has made me who I today. My perspective is from a girl whose parents split up at age 6.
Relationships are one of the most important necessities to living out a normal life, especially those whom are family relationships. I’ve grown to develop strong family relations from both sides of the family tree. There have been periods of time where the frequency of communication slows, but for the most part I’m close with many members of my family. School can get busy, making it difficult to put forth that extra effort to remain in contact with many of my intermediate family members. The relationship between my father and it has suffered due to the frequency of communication; which negatively impacted our closeness. Now, it wasn’t only the frequency of communication, but our overall relationship that seemed to stop evolving after
The few times we did get to spend time together as a family, it wouldn’t feel like it. I knew all the relationships between my family members. I was the one who they told everything to but ask me not to tell anyone. This was a lot of weight on my shoulders because I began caring for everyone else’s relationships; especially my mom’s because my brother and sister would argue
My relationship with my mother has always been precarious and at times very difficult. My mother comes from a high context family with a protective conversation/conformity orientation and that is something she continued when raising a family of her own. The relationship I have with my mother is special to me, but at the same time is full of compromise, conflict, and differentiating.
Family. When you think of the word, there are other words that you associate with it. Togetherness, stability, peace and most importantly love. My experience differs greatly. My mother and father should have never been together. My father was controlling, sheltered, demanding and argumentative. My mother was talkative, positive and fair minded. As as a young child, I remember constant yelling, hateful comments and resentments. It was at the time when I turned five where my brother and I began creating our own worlds. When I was younger, I detested my father. All that I did was sup par. I “played” the wrong way, I was too emotional for a boy. Anything that could be used against me was. Although he treated me roughly, it was nothing in comparison with what my mother was used to. I did not understand why he treated my mom so cruelly. Did he thought she was inferior? That just
Family matters was a problem for me because I haven’t seen my mother in years. I really thought she was going to be the same sweet, caring, and loving mother she once was. After three days of my arrival, my mother began arguing and screaming at me for no reason but I tried not to talk back to her since I’m a short tempered kind of person. I decided to ignore what she said but that only made things worse for me. It reached to the point that I decided to stay with my older cousin because I couldn’t stand her yelling at me anymore.
I remember not being able to recognize my dad, I didn't know anything about him at all. This hurt me because other kids had their ¨perfect families,¨ such as their mom, their dad or their siblings all together. I couldn't have that, my family was never perfect and I'm glad they weren't, otherwise, we wouldn't love each other as much as we today. People tend to want a perfect family and they don't even realize they already have it. I believe people are not born loving, but we learn to love throughout time. This has impacted my life because my family plays a huge role in being part of who I am. They have helped me on life decisions and they make sure I stay on the right path.