
Photo Fakers: Elephant Stealing From Nigerian Bank

Decent Essays

Photo Fakers Images that have been photoshopped using software such as Adobes photoshop program should carry watermarks. Many of the image photoshopped are just for practical jokes, but some are for more spurious reasons. Most of the photoshopping occurs on magazines or in hollywood to make actors or models to look close to perfect. The internet and companies that have photoshopping programs that are available to the general public have made photoshopping images easier, and easier. One thing that these images can do is cause confusion. Late last February pictures surfaced that depicted an elephant in front of a Nigerian bank. It carried the title “Elephant Stealing from Nigerian bank”. The actual picture had a poorly photoshopped elephant in front of the supposedly robbed bank. The article went on to say that the elephant had cause structural damage (visible in the picture) and injured a …show more content…

Of course some of the actors maybe have scarring or something of that sort. Which is a valid reason to use photoshopping software, but when they take it to far as to make there actors look cosmetically perfect a problem arises. Children that are beginning to change into young adults, and teenagers in general have always been self conscious about the the way they look. Some teens spend hours getting ready before school each day just to look good for their peers. And seeing how perfect these models keeps their minds set that they aren't pretty enough. Carolyn Landis, a clinical psychologist says “children and teens are particularly vulnerable to ‘perfect’ models of adults and children their age. Magazine companies also extensively alter many of the images before the final image is actually put on the magazine. This in turn makes a person obsessed with their appearance even into adulthood. Then they worry their kids about his or her appearances. Which keeps this vicious cycle

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