
Photography : Photography As A Work Of Photography

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It is true that today, almost everyone, is making pictures. Everyone can easily press a camera's trigger button, much easier to extract something that looks acceptable or grandiose than by picking on the keys of a piano keyboard, or to paint with great strokes (or spots) of color ... Everyone can feel, thanks to photography, the desire to be an artist, and it is encouraging. it may be well to question what art photography is. The word photography literally means to paint with light. Photography is considered an artform. Art photography, finally, is not photo-reportage. If the photo-reporter also gives a testimony, it is that of a journalist who reports first of all facts, like Franck Fournier, famous for having taken the party to immortalize the ordeal of a Colombian child which the helpless succor could not save.
Photography precisely express and share things that could not pass through words. Because in art it is a question of passage, of sharing, of communion. And that the finest works have to do with the unspeakable and touch the absolute mystery.
Erecting a photo as a work of art by enlarging it and presenting it as a painting; thanks to new technologies such as digital photo prints on paper. how to distinguish an artist from an artisan photographer? the term artisan expresses technical and professional know-how; so are artisans photographers those who make "beautiful photos", technically perfect, but that you seem possible to do yourself if you had the

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