The goal of the experiment was to determine how the rate of photosynthesis responds to the amount of baking soda. The hypothesis for our experiment, was if we increased the amount of baking soda from 1 gram to 3 grams, then the rate of photosynthesis would increase by 2 chads a minute. During the experiment both a independent and a dependent variable were present. The independent variable for our experiment was the amount of baking soda. This is true because we changed the amount of the baking soda from 1 gram in the first trial to 3 grams in the second. The dependent variable was the number of spinach chad's that floated to the top per minute.
Photosynthesis can be broken down into two main parts, light-dependent reaction, and the light-dependent
I filled three clear cups, the first one with dH2O, the second with 0.1% NaHCO3 solution (equal parts 0.2% NaHCO3 and dH2O), and the third with 0.2% NaHCO3 solution. The control of the experiment is the cup with dH2O. The independent variable is time and the dependent variable is the number of disks floating in the solution. We separated the 30 disks into three groups of 10, placed them in syringes filled with a corresponding solution (either dH2O, 0.1% NaHCO3, or 0.2% NaHCO3), and removed all air from the syringe. This causes photosynthesis to stop in the disks, which then causes the disks to not float any longer. The three groups of disks were placed in each cup filled with 100mL corresponding to the solution, then placed under a light source and started a timer. For each minute in 15 minutes, data regarding the number of disks that floated to the top of each
The independent variable of this experiment are the environmental factors that you are testing on the rate of transpiration, so our independent variables would be bright light, fan, dark, and misted. The dependent variable is the rate of transportation because this depends on whatever environmental factor the plant is placed. The constants were things like the type of plant we used, the room temperature, the type of scale we used and how far the fan/light was placed from the plant.
Null hypothesis: Increased light does not make plants grow faster. Approach: Place two plants in the window. Leave one in the window and take the second plant and let it spend different amounts of time in the light (decreased light exposure). Dependent variable:
The results of the mean of the concentrations are as followed; 0%, 0.2%, 2.0% and 1.0% which are in organization of longest float time to shortest. The higher the concentration of sodium bicarbonate (carbon source) the quicker the process of photosynthesis occurs. The mean of the concentrations is; 0% is 900, 0.20% is 757.58, 1.0% is 580.004 and 2.0% is 582.54. The standard deviations of the concentrations are; 0% is 0, 0.20% is 190.0045, 1.0% is 247.9306 and 2.0% is 199.979.
Photosynthesis is essential to all living organism such as animals and plants. Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other autotrophs to capture light energy and use it to power chemical reaction that converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen, carbohydrates and water. (Textbook: Principles of Biology). The reactants and the products of photosynthesis are:
Photosynthesis is the process in which plants consumed inorganic materials like solar light, carbon dioxide and water and converted it to an organic molecule like sugar and an inorganic gas like oxygen. Light is one of the major elements influencing the rate of photosynthesis; direct light concentration affects the noncyclic pathway (light
Photosynthesis and the effects of light: In order to get the ideal conditions for photosynthesis, you need to set the temperature to 25 degrees Celsius, then set the light intensity to 100%, after that, set the CO2 level to 1000 ppm, and lastly, set the light intensity to 450 nm. My hypothesis is that if the light wavelength color is darker instead of bright, then the oxygen production will be very high, because longer wavelengths tend to have less energy than shorter ones, and long wavelengths are more red, yellow, and green, while shorter ones are more purple and dark blue. This observation is important, because if plants received bad wavelengths, then the oxygen production of plants could be very low, or not exist at all. I got the idea for my hypothesis based on the information I received from the author, M.J. Farabee. In the article he wrote, he described how the length of the light wavelength affects how much energy is in the wavelength.
The question that i was trying to answer is”How high can soda Fizz with mentos”. My hypothesis was that Coca-Cola will go the highest. My hypothesis was correct because out of all the other soda’s ,the Coca-Cola went the highest. The number that supported it was that it was measured in milliliters and they go up by 30. The variable that I controlled well was all of the variables because I nailed my experiment by studying.The Variables that might have messed up my experimentation might have been the dependent variable because when I did the test it did not work for a second but then it started to work after a while. I learned that if you put too much Mentos in one can of soda not that much pain will come out and if you have one can cold and
The experimental group was the one with the baking soda, independent variable was the baking soda, and the dependent variable is that the plant die. First, our experiment started with getting the materials, which consisted of four venus fly traps, baking soda, and water. To keep track of the Venus fly traps we name them Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, and Kendall. Once the group had that we set up all four venus fly traps in sunlight and put a tablespoon in only two of the venus fly traps then added water.
The syringe that was tested with the independent variable was closer to the light. The dependent variable was the number of leaf disks that floated to the top. Constants in this experiment were, the type of leaf, the light bulb itself, the type of syringe the leaf disks were in, and the temperature of the water the disks were floating/sinking in. Also, the positive control was the syringe with the regular light intensity and the bicarbonate solution, and the negative control was the syringe with the regular light intensity and the regular
The scientist will be testing different acids and bases on seashells to see if they have a significant change on seashells. The scientist will be placing an egg and a seashell in vinegar, and testing the effects of the acids in the vinegar, on both the egg and seashell. Will the egg and seashell be affected by the vinegar? The scientist will have the constant variables of the vinegar used, the amounts of materials that will be used (1000 mL of vinegar in each jar), and the time the experiment will be held for (one week). The scientist’s independent variable will be the seashells used; the dependent variables will be the effect of the acids on the bases that will be measured by observation.
In this experiment, the problem question was how does the concentration of an enzyme affect the rate of the enzyme activity? The identified independent variable was the concentration of enzyme (mL). The variable that is affected by the independent variable is the dependent variable which, in this case, is the reaction rate (floating units/minutes). Other variables that stayed unchanged throughout the experiment include the amount of 1% hydrogen peroxide and the room temperature. The hypothesis that was tested in this experiment was if we poured 40 mL of the potato solution (hydrogen peroxidase) into cup 1, then cup 1 will react the fastest because it has the highest concentration of enzymes among the four solutions.
Introduction Organic reactions are slow and need heat to take place at a suitable rate. Even though the chemicals in the reactions are very evaporative which means that the reactants and products are lost to the atmosphere giving a low yield. Reflux This is a technique that allows organic substances to be heated for a long period of time whilst reducing loss of substances to the atmosphere.
The independent variable of the experiment is mass and the dependent variable is weight. Weights 50n to 500g will be tested. Some controls of the experiment are the number of trials (10) and the 5N scale being used to measure. The first weight being measured is 50g and the weight of the mass will be .5N. As the mass continues to increase by 50g through 500g, the weight will also continue to increase by.5N through 5N. After experimenting with each weight and finding out its mass the results of the weight based off its mass will be recorded in the the data
The dependent variable is rate of fermentation, which will be measured by the amount of carbon dioxide produced.