
Physical Activity Epidemiology

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Today, health is a word that we hear everyday in social media, on television and in magazines. Health is more than just being physically active; it ranges from disease control all the way to health promotion. As technology has advanced over the past decayed, we have been able to monitor health behaviors on a more precise level. “Self-monitoring or self-tracking is where individuals use intelligent tools like wearable sensors and mobile apps to collect, process and display a wealth of personal data to help them monitor and manage all aspects of their personal health” (Catharine Paddock, 2013). I think monitoring our health behaviors makes us more vigilant of our daily activities. Seeing how far we walk, tracking sleep patterns, and journaling …show more content…

Basically, epidemiologist focus on how a disease or disability effects a whole populations rather than an individual. “Physical activity epidemiology deals with the frequency and patterns of physical activity in the population and the relationship between physical activity and health and disease” (Lisa Cadmus Bertram, 2015). When referring to “prevalence” and “trend” in relation to physical activity epidemiology you get very specific definitions. Prevalence is “the number or proportion of cases or events or conditions in a given population” (Columbia University Definition Analysis Project). Trend is “a long-term movement or change in frequency, usually upward or downward” (Columbia University Definition Analysis …show more content…

I found the South were least physically active while the Midwest had either a 50/50 response or more people engaging in physical activity than not. The area that was the most physical active, from what I noticed, was the West. I am surprised by what I found. I thought the Midwest would be one of the most physically active areas in the U.S. The Midwest is a very active area due to all of our farms. There is so much labor that goes into keeping a farm going, it involves the whole community. The West does make since though, they have nice weather all year round. Plus, they have many mountains to climb and different sites to

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