Most people have grown up differently and had either a good or bad childhood. Those people will become a successful person or not a successful person when they are an adult. There are many different things that lead up to making the person who they are today. Another thing that makes up a person is who they are surrounded by and how that helps them in the future. There are also different developments that every individual goes through such as physical development, intellectual development, emotional/social development, moral development, and self-synthesis.
Physical Development
The first step of development for a human being is physical development. There are different kinds of things that are part of your physical development. One of the things that affects my being is my health. My health history to me is unknown since I am adopted from Mexico. Most people inherit things in their family that associate with their health like Alzheimer's, cancer or asthma. But for me, I am always worried because I do not know what I could inherit from my parents. Even though I am a healthy kid right now the future is unknown of what is going to affect my health. Throughout my life, I was a healthy child but according to my mom when I was a baby I had bronchitis and had to be hospitalized. That was one of the few times I was in a hospital.
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And the people at the orphanage did not have much information about me. Now, I am a healthy person. There have been a few injuries that needed surgery. One was for my ACL, which I tore in high school, during a basketball game. That was difficult because I was in a lot of pain after the anesthesia wore off. My doctor has told me that I would have to do physical therapy for a couple months and it has been almost 10 months since the surgery. I also needed stitches on the left side of my face under my eye due to falling down the steps when I was
There are tons of people in our world today who have become very successful and these people find success in different ways. Some people work hard their whole life to achieve success and others just seem to be born talented in
My is Rickey wilbourn and I appreciate being around games and peopling. I feel one of the fundamental inspirations of me tailing this profession way is on the grounds that I am experiencing childhood in the most physically roused eras ever. I have been around both of my grandmas on a day-day premise. My constrained me into helping my grandma and close relative while other relatives were doing things that they delighted in. I generally regarded more established grown-ups and did everything my mother instructed me to do.The opposite side of this is I cherish brandishes more than just about anything and they make me excited.So on the off chance that I don't make it in baseball I need to be so near for all intents and purposes playing on the field.
What makes individuals unique. Most would say a person’s personality makes them who they are. An individual’s personality is the mental characteristics that makes them unique from other people. It includes all the patterns of thought and emotions that cause us to do and say things in particular ways. Genetics is one of the main factor that shapes our personalities. Most of us have been told that they are like their parents or act like their parents in certain ways. That is because of some combination of genes, and the environment they raise us in. They raise us inn their own image. Environment plays a big role in shaping personality than heredity. In the article, “Bernie Goetz and the Rise and Fall of New York City Crime”, Malcolm
Being successful in life is not always easy, because of different ways that success can be achieved. With many theories out there on success, it is hard to figure out what is needed to be done to gain success. In everyone’s lives there are many different beliefs out there that can lead to it. In the book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell, there are numerous theories that are covered with examples of successful people. They clearly show how success can be done in not just one way but in many others. The most known people that are considered to be successful are billionaires and celebrities. They all have gained success in their lives in their own diverse ways. A good set of successful people in the world today to talk about are Mark Zuckerberg, Whitney Houston, and Nicholas Sparks. These people all come from different backgrounds before gaining their success. Malcolm Gladwell discussed many theories in the book “Outliers” that can relate to the success of the people mentioned above. The true knowledge behind success can be achieved in numerous ways.
When we think of our health, we rarely think about the many factors that have been contributors. These determinants of health include income, transportation, housing and education. An influential factor in my life has been that I identify as an immigrant. I was not born in the United States, but in Colombia. I arrived in the United States when I was nine years old. My early childhood in Colombia was unambitious compared to life in New Jersey. The United States gave me options in my education, diet and work, which my home country could not. Socioeconomic status impacted my early upbringing due to the fact that my parents grew up in poverty and with nothing higher than a high school education. When I was being raised in, they instilled the
However, it's our experiences in life that molds us into different characters. Where we now have "Individualism", based on our "self interests" which allows us to reach our goals. As human beings who learn from our mistakes, and choose to
There are different types of people in the world that people may know. Sometimes we may see two different sides of people. One, a person can be a leader, an innovator, or a role model to set an example of how to be independent. Another way we can see is how a person or anyone may control their lives. Sometimes people force others to be something that they are not really meant to be. Amy Tan went through a phase where her mother wanted her to be something than herself, but showed her mom that she does not have to be a certain way to be successful. Amy wrote a short story called “Two Kinds” and explains what happens in her life and how her mom wanted to be a child of prodigy. People can be creative and become successful in their own ways if
There are many psychosocial concerns that could affect the person’s health. According to Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, this stage is the generativity versus stagnation. In generativity, the individual makes a mark in society by continue to nurture their children, take care of
As a human race, in most circumstances we all go through similar stages of development. What most also be taken into account when assessing development is our ranging variations of individualism. Our individual development is subject to a never ending list on influences. Some influences we are born with and some are due to our own life experiences. Our personality comes from all that we are; we feel; we do, either on a conscious or subconscious level.
Development of a person throughout his or her whole lifetime can be seen either as a continuous process or as a final status to be attained. Psychologists agree
We used to assume that a woman's body was the perfect cocoon for a developing baby, that it provided all of the necessary protection and all of the necessary nutrients. Research has come a long way and we now know that environment, nutrition, and genetics are all big player in our development. You will no longer hear that you can eat anything you want while pregnant or that it is only the mother's genes and health that will affect the potential embryo. We know that most diets today are deficient in some nutrients and that most people do not eat very well, we also know that the age of the father is also important and not just the mothers. Diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and, type II diabetes can all be influenced by maternal health before conception (1,2,3,4). Why do we suffer later in life from disease rather than earlier in life and
As this period is considered to be the most integral developmental stage of life, the impact of social, environmental, and economic determinants can have long lasting, if not permanent effects (World Health Organization (WHO), 2015) . Children who in early life are subjected to adversities, such as poverty, inappropriate care, maltreatment, inadequate health care, or substandard education, are more likely to suffer difficulties later in life (Hertzman, 2013).
When an infant arrives in the world they are helpless tiny humans who depend on adults for every need from love, to feeding them. It is amazing how these tiny babies grow into adults able to make decisions and become self-dependent. There are many theories about how children develop and what roles the environment plays, what people affect their lives and how events can shape their personalities. Some of these children have and easy life and some have a harder time making that journey to adulthood.
The health and well-being of a person depends on lots of different circumstances. It is about finding a good work / life balance and feeling healthy in body as well as mind. It is about feeling good in what you do and who you are as a person, it is about achieving personal goals and accomplishing your hopes and dreams.
Each individual is just that: individual. We all have our strengths and weakness. Life is about exploring and improving on those. Growth never ends. It is expanding our minds and attitudes to make life happy and peaceful. My development depends what I do to accomplish my life goals. My carrier path will depend on how I can grow and develop in my field and management capabilities.