
Physical Therapy Case Study Essay

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Patients with cancer can benefit from physical therapy intervention at any stage of treatment. The patient discussed exhibited improvements in almost every measurement taken in the period of 8 weeks. Her lower and upper extremity strength increased, her balance improved dramatically, her gait speed increased by a factor of 6, she was able to return some of her previous activities, and there were no signs of lymphedema development. In short, the patient decreased a variety of the side effects that are associated with cancer and cancer related treatments by receiving physical therapy.

The side effects of cancer related treatments often limit patient independence and decrease overall quality of life. These deleterious effects are seen as normal and often go untreated. Depending on what chemotherapy drug is used, a patient can suffer from cancer related fatigue, pain, mouth and throat sores, and nervous system effects. Radiation therapy is …show more content…

A period of 2 months passed since the patient finished her chemotherapy and started physical therapy. During this time the patient reported a decline in function and ability to participate in regular activities. She suffered from various side effects primarily caused by her chemotherapy regimen, perhaps the most detrimental of all was the peripheral neuropathy she experienced. The neuropathy inhibited her from sensing where her foot was according to the ground, this made it difficult for her to ambulate without concentrating on her steps. Studies have found that decreased sensation of the plantar aspect of the foot can lead to increased soleus and tibialis anterior muscle activity, this changes the kinematics of ambulation and leads to increased fall risk.22 After therapy her gait speed and balance both increased. This, increased her quality of life by letting her return to some of her previous

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