I am interested in serving as a healing professional in physical therapy to offer affordable help to agriculture workers after they have had an accident during work. I have prepared myself for this career by taking extra college credit courses such as Medical Terminology to expand my knowledge of medical terms. I have also taken college level Spanish to improve my Spanish since when working with agriculture workers, Spanish is an important factor in communicating. The greatest community activity I have been involved in that connects to my aspiring career choice has been volunteering as an interpreter for parent-teacher conferences at Wy ‘East middle school. This allowed me to interpret from English to Spanish faster than I was able to prior to volunteering. I have …show more content…
My educational goals to achieve the career of a Physical Therapist, are to major in Biology and minor in Spanish. During undergraduate school, I plan to volunteer in physical therapy units as an interpreter when needed while gaining the experience of a Physical Therapist. Then, I want to complete a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in graduate school and get my license. I plan to return to Hood River and create events every month that offer free check-ups to agriculture workers and anyone that cannot afford medical help. I plan on giving back to the community that has helped my family when in need.
A significant change that occurred in my life took place the moment I stepped foot on U.S. land at age two and became undocumented. Being undocumented became my identity. Fear of being deported grew with me, hiding me in the shadows. I never saw past high school, so I started to take advantage of my supposed last years of learning by
Participating in sports has led me to the career of physical therapy. I have been an athlete all of my life. I have played every sport from tackle football to softball and every sport the community of Sitka offered. Being involved in several sports at one time helped me realize how easy it is to get injured and how crucial it is to have a physician that is supportive and understands an athletes injuries. By going to McKendree University I will be able to become a physical therapist and help injured athletes recover.
“Your optimism is killing me,” a patient replied after my attempt to encourage her to try to stand up, so she could attend a physical therapy session. Though I took her comment with a grain of salt, it was the cornerstone for the reputation I would build during my career as a Physical Therapist Assistant. Most clinicians shy away from challenging personalities; not me, I strive to be different. It’s been three years since that patient discharged home against medical advice. which ignited fuel to the fire of continuing to pursue my undergraduate degree.
Short term, my first priority is to graduate from the University of Maryland College Park with a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology on the physical therapy track with a minor in education and human development. In addition to that, I see myself joining a professional medical health fraternity before graduation to further my connections and understanding. I plan to enter the Kinesiology Honors program to give myself a more in-depth study of the human body, its interactions, and how it moves and functions. Lastly, I will engage in numerous internship that will allow me to broaden my scope of understanding in regards to physical therapy and athletic training. In regards to my long term goals, I plan to take my career to the national level and work rehabilitating and preventing injuries for national teams.
Why do you want to attend a summer program at Wake Forest University? How will this experience help you prepare for your college career and beyond?
I began my college career in 2004 at Berea College. My Alma Mater has a work study program that helps students learn the art of professionalism. In my sophomore year, I began working in the Campus Life office as the Office Manager. My boss was a graduate from the Physical Therapy program in the 1990s which led me to believe that she would support my educational endeavors. However, after discussing with her my desire to pursue a career in Physical Therapy she told me that I would never make it.
We are what we do. With few exceptions, our contributions to society depend on our ability to move. Therefore, when something impairs our movement and limits those contributions, it affects our identity. Physical therapists recognize this consequence, and by working to mitigate its effects for each of their patients, they ultimately make the world a more optimally functioning place. I want to be a part of this kind of work. As a physical therapist, I will contribute to the profession's goals to transform society by coming alongside each of my patients to challenge and encourage them to see their identity clarified, goals realized, and obstacles minimized as their movement improves.
After high school, I’d wish to pursue a degree as a physical therapist assistant. Ever since I was younger I always knew that I wanted to become a PTA or else an athletic trainer. Sports introduced me to physical therapy and physical therapy assistants. I’ve played sports ever since I was a little girl. I also got injured many times playing sports which led my to go to physical therapy. I’ve always thought that the body was so fascinating and always want to learn more about it. I participate in Health Occupations where I am able to actually go shadow a physical therapist and see what they do.
I have several unique characteristics that would contribute to Ohio State’s physical therapy class. My personal experience in life such as my mentioned anxiety and my LGBT perspective has allowed me to really understand treating the full patient and providing compassionate care to all. I will contribute to the learning process of others by sharing my unique mental health and diversity insights that will help increase cultural competency among peers. Additionally, my experience as an undergraduate student researcher in physical therapy and working as a rehabilitation technician at the Cleveland Clinic has allowed me to gain a great understanding of physical therapy and shaped me into a better professional with a versatile skill set.
Growing up, my mother raised two children off of a factory income. My mother always told me that she wanted better for me than she ever had. Her hard work ethic and constant drive to be an upstanding person has motivated me to continue my education. My family is exceedingly supportive and constantly pushes me to reach for the stars. My aunt has attained her Doctorate in Physical Therapy and is my main inspiration for pursuing a career in the medical field.
I plan on going to practice physical therapy once I graduate from a DPT program. After gaining clinical experience from years of practice and leaning from other Physical Therapists I plan one day taking that knowledge overseas. Here in America I have been very fortunate to learn basic medical safety life CPR, wound care, and nutrition. I hope to be able to teach physical therapy, injury prevention, and other health knowledge in countries with little knowledge of health education. I hope to help prevent situations like baby Mercy’s and many similar problems that I witnessed.
I am a 28 year old from Killeen, Texas. My goal is to become a Physical Therapist and specialize in sports medicine. My long term goal is to start my own Rehabilitation Center centered on sports medicine physical therapy with services in general Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy as well. This rehabilitation will work as an outpatient and have an intensive outpatient setting if needed. I graduated in 2008 with my Bachelors of Arts in Physical Education from Berea College in Kentucky.
Ever since I was young my life goals were to help others when I grew up, however I wasn’t exactly sure how. Throughout the past couple years, with a wonderful support system; I have been able to make the decision about wanting to achieve the goal of becoming a physical therapist. It is my belief that I have a high spiritual calling to be a physical therapist, because I have the intention to be able to guide others. I gather that this can be spiritual, because helping others is what God’s intentions are, and would recommend others to follow in His footsteps. My mindset is indeed compassionate, empathetic, selfless, and strong with a thirst for knowledge. Being a physical therapist has many rewards such as happiness, equality, and a sense of accomplishment which can be very valuable and will affect my life in a positive manner.
I started by sitting down and distinguishing the qualities of a good physical therapy student and decided that professionalism, study skills and personability was what I should set my sights on. My second semester I was accepted into a freshmen internship that concentrated on professional development. This internship was developed to help undergraduates practice their public speaking, networking, career exposure and the overall etiquette that comes with being a professional. The following semester I started work as an
As I approach my high school graduation it is essential to have a concrete plan in place as to where i plan to see myself in the next five to ten years and how i plan to achieve this. Luckily over the past four years through all of the ups and downs, the good and the bad, I’ve discovered how I plan to leave my mark. With my go getter attitude, my huge heart and my ambition I know I will make it far in my chosen career of physical therapy. From October of 2017 up until May of 2018 I am honored to be able to go to a physical therapy office in the mornings and work one on one with different team members that make up the clinic. Ive been able to work with secretaries, to physical therapist to physical therapist technicians.