
Physician Assistant Vs Nurse Practitioner Essay

Decent Essays

Differences between Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in the USA
Both Nurse Practitioners (NP) and Physician Assistants (PA) are two very important professionals in the field of medicine. They both work under the supervision of a licensed physician, and their functions are also quite similar with very minor differences between the two. Due to such similarities it has become very difficult for the general population to differentiate between these two professionals (Nurse Practitioner School, 2015). The nurse practitioners are registered nurses who have gone on to earn a master's or doctorate degree in a specialty area of nursing, such as family practice, adult practice, pediatrics or women's health. Their duties include diagnosing and treating acute and chronic conditions, prescribing medication, …show more content…

Also in the state of Florida nurse practitioners authority to prescribe does not include controlled substances (Florida Senate, 2008). Another point of difference between both professions lies the fact that physician assistants can work only under the supervision of a physician, while the nurse practitioners are more independent in performing their duties, they do not have to work under a physician, and they can open their own practice. The PA’s working time depends strictly on the working hours of the physician, while the working hours of the nurse practitioners depend on the nurse and the laws of the state governing them (Cresswell, 2013). In the year 2013, the number of practicing NPs in the USA were 155,000 and the number of physician assistants was 83,600 (Garment, 2013). Although there are a few differences that exist between these two professions, they are equally important in the provision of quality health care for all

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