
Physician Assisted Suicide Case Study

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a health system ‘requires a robust financing mechanism; a well-trained and adequately paid workforce; reliable information on which to base decisions and policies; well-maintained facilities and logistics to deliver quality medicines and technologies.’ The effect of the aging population will influence every aspect of the health system as it is defined by the WHO. At the forefront of the media surrounding this issue is the topic of how this care will be financed. One of the growing concerns is an adequate workforce to provide the care. The aging population brings the need for geriatricians. The way people age and die has also changed over the course of history. A vital change that will have to occur is the development of facilities and programs that are conducive to the care of older individuals. To provide the most effective care, there is a growing need for new research and testing to be done on the baby …show more content…

Many people believe that health care providers should do everything in their power to keep the patient alive. Yet, a growing population is beginning to side with the argument that in certain situations a person should be allowed death with dignity. From a terminally ill patient’s standpoint, being able to go on their own terms rather than undergoing extensive treatment that often leads to extensive suffering in their final weeks and months, brings them peace. When surveyed, the number one priority of elders is being able to maintain their independence (Matthews, 2013). This generation, does not want to become a burden for their families. Physician assisted suicide allows the patient to end their life when they decide they do not have a tolerable quality of life

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