
Physician Assisted Suicide Case Summary

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This is a case study that will be examined and evaluating a 68-year-old male, husband that killed his wife per her request. Allowing someone to die has always been a sociological concern. Will take into consideration the ethical values as well as providing proposed solutions on how this can benefit the husband and wife as well as the family, even though they have moved away. During this process, will look at possible treatments, suggestions that will result in a better outcome. B. Age: 68-year-old male 1. Relation: Husband 2. Suspect: Accused for murdering the wife 3. Relatives: Children grown away from home In life, there is a cycle of life that everyone follows, however, there will be a time when sudden situations come and one is forced to make life changing decisions. One of the decisions is Allowing someone to die, what this means is simply there is a crucial decision in life that for any reason this is the only one that matters. It all comes down to an irreversible and incurable choice that needs to be made. …show more content…

She declares that she has constant discomfort and extreme pain. She lives with her 68-year-old husband alone because her children are grown. They previously discussed her decision to end her life because she was tired of living; she begged her husband to help her die. She convinced her husband to help her die, he leaves her in the car with the engine running, with the garage doors closed. The husband leaves to the back of the house and returns an hour after. The husband calls the police and confesses on the incident, and the police arrests him for

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