
Physician Assisted Suicide Hypothesis

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Out of the seven hypotheses stated three were supported by the research findings. These three hypothesis were race and ethnicity will have no effect on favoring of physician-assisted suicide, gender will have no effect on favoring of physician-assisted suicide, and those that favor abortion will be more likely to favor physician-assisted suicide. Before speculation about why these three hypotheses are supported it needs to be discussed on why two of the hypothesis were non-direction. Gender and race or ethnicity was non-directional because the research could not see them as having an effect on whether or not an individual favored physician-assisted suicide. However, they were still added because of the cultural views and social norms that are placed on the individual depending upon how they identify themselves. These cultural views and social norms could have caused a relationship to occur within the findings and on that reasoning the two hypotheses were added. With that being stated, it is speculated that the hypothesis of those favoring abortion are more likely to favor physician-assisted suicide is supported because it is so closely related to pro-choice. Both physician-assisted …show more content…

Age, political orientation, religious affiliation, and education were found to have no relationship toward the favoring of physician-assisted suicide. It was thought that those younger in age, specifically eighteen to twenty-five would be more likely to favor physician-assisted suicide. This was on the premise that the younger generation would lean more toward pro-choice views. However, there was very little variation between ages of those that took the survey. This is most likely due to the surveys being distributed on a college campus where the age range is predominately eighteen to twenty-five. More variation among the ages would need to be established for clearer

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