
Physics of Boating Essay

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The first thing you should know is the physics behind a boat, seeing how you can't have a boating adventure without one. To keep it simple, let's check out the main thing you should know about a boat: Buoyancy. Buoyancy, by definition, is the upward force exerted by a liquid on any immersed object. If the force of the liquid on the object is greater than that of the object on the liquid then the object will float. In other words buoyancy is dependent upon the density of the liquid and the volume of the object submerged.


Fb= d*g*V

Where Fb= the magnitude of the buoyant force

d= density of the liquid, g= force of gravity (9.8 m/s^2), V= volume of the submerged object

All object displace fluid when in a liquid, …show more content…

237) Translation: The tides are caused by the gravitational attraction between the earth and moon. There are two low tides and two high tides each day. Low tide is when you smell dead fish. High tide is when the smell is somewhat less stinky.

The bald eagle is not an uncommon sight when boating in Southeast Alaska. It is a massive bird that flies with the greatest of ease. Lets take a look at the casually oversimplified physics behind the flight of a bird. Basically, birds wings are not flat but are shaped like an aerofoil. "Air passes over or under the wing as the bird moves forward, or as the wind blows. The air that moves over the top of the wing has further to travel to get across the wing, thus it speeds up. This causes the pressure to drop because the same amount of air is exerting its pressure over a greater area. Therefore, any given point experiences less pressure. This effectively sucks the wing up. Meanwhile the air going below the wing experiences the opposite effect. It slows down, generates more pressure and effectively pushes the wing up." Hence a bird with air moving over its wings is pulled up from above and pushed up from below.

Marine Mammals

Communication: Whales are amazing mammals on many levels. Lets talk about how they communicate. Whales communicate at very low frequencies, making sounds that can go as low as 12 Hz. Low

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