
Pi Religion Quotes

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Religion helped Pi find inner peace and calmness, it also helped Pi recover from various experiences. At a young age, Pi was introduced to three of the world’s major religions. Pi gave equal importance to all three religions and practiced all of them with complete devotion. Pi’s gateway to religion was opened by his aunt, when he was taken to the nearby temple for the first time: the smell of flowers and chants of the priest, it was all meant to be.

Pi was very religious and had so much faith in God that Pi refused to die. He believed that no matter what the circumstance is, as long as God was with him, he feared nothing. He believed he had gone through so much and he could not choose to give up after all this effort. “I will not die. I refuse it. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously. The amazing will be seen every day. I will put in all the hard work necessary. Yes, so long as God is with me, I will not die. Amen.” This quote includes the stylistic device of repetition, this quote also revolves around themes Spirituality, Religion, Mortality and Suffering, as it …show more content…

He believed that everything that happened due to scientific reasons but maybe it was also miracles by God. The three-toed sloth in particular fascinated Pi and he believed it was a beautiful example of the miracle of life. Sloths remind Pi of god as they are “calm, quiet and introspective” and lived in harmony. “Sometimes I got my majors mixed up. A number of my fellow religious-studies students muddled agnostics who didn’t know which way was up, who were in the thrall of reason, and the three-toed sloth, such a beautiful example of the miracle of life, reminded me of God.” The quote includes alliteration and is framed around the themes of Survival and Spirituality. Pi’s tone is very inquisitive. The readers come to know that Pi is very spiritual and relates almost everything to

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