
Piaget Observation Paper

Decent Essays

The purpose of this paper is to use the habituation technique in young infants to evaluate one hypothesis derived from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. I will compare 5-months old’s in a task that involves possible and impossible outcomes. Piaget’s theory specifies the cognitive competencies of children of this age. 1a. During the sensorimotor stage children experience the world around them differently than how older people do, this of course this can be seen by observing the way in which children gather and process new information that is within their grasp. What the sensorimotor stage does is bring about the five senses into play, children that are just below the age of two years would use most of their five senses. These children …show more content…

Stranger anxiety and object performance have been known to appear at the same exact time. Now the reason for this being is simply due to the fact that babies have become more aware and more educated on their surroundings and to the people that they have come in contact with in a day to day basis. As such children are able to know who their mother and father is and trust them since the child is able to recognize their parents faces or even siblings face for that matter. Yet, if encountered with an unknown person the child would most likely be intimidated and in turn cry simply because the child does not recognize the stranger or know what he/she could want. 1d. The theory of cognitive competency that was presented by McCrink and Wynn is that infants are able to understand algorithmic problems such as addition and subtraction. Their theory suggests that not only due infants demonstrate an understanding of numbers, but they also demonstrate how they don’t have to go through Piaget’s four stage of cognitive development to do so. However, the view that McCrink and Wynn have is opposed by Piaget’s view as Piaget brings about the theory and concept of habituation, object permanence, the ages of the stages and …show more content…

2a. Habituation is the way in which people respond to things are after constant repetition. What this means is the way in which people respond is the exact same way in which people get over a new hit single, or trend. After constant simulating repetition of the response of a person to said thing would decrease, meaning they pay less mind to what is being shown, told or given. Dishabituation is basically the opposite of habituation in the sense that instead of unable to not have a decrease in response to a stimulation that repeats, it is when after the person has undergone habituation he/she would come to go back to the way they were. What this means is that if a person goes through habituation, they would revert back as if they had never gone through habituation in the first place, and in turn would come to have the same response that they had undergone when they were first stimulated by whatever they were shown or given. Habituation helps researchers study the cognitive process in infants by allowing them to monitor and measure exactly at what age is an infant able to thoroughly process information and how fast is said infant able to learn it. Which in turn allows these researchers to know exactly how the child would learn to respond after constant stimulation. Take into mind for instance a 5-month old child, the child would be playing peek-a-boo with his/her mother, at first glance the

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