As Picasso spreads a variety of colors and a ginormous selection of techniques over his canvas, the changes in his techniques and hues reflect the moving stirring agitations of the day. His emotions may change to become more piercing or charming depending on the circumstances in his life at the moment. Change as defined by One Look Dictionary is literally in the verb tense, to become different or to make someone or something different. When used in its noun form, change can be the money someone gives you back when you pay more money than an item costs to buy or a process by which something becomes different, like there is going to be a change in the weather. These are denotative or literal meanings for the word. There are connotative features …show more content…
Don’t resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” If we start manipulating or trying to control destiny in life we may change the mysterious flow that controls the way our life should go. Change can be the natural a way of talking or thinking in an easy natural way, without any pauses or difficulties of life. “Things don’t have to change the world to be important.” ~ Steve Jobs Importance is relative to the person who is viewing it at a given moment in time. Change can affect one person and it can be as monumental to that person as a revolution to the rest of the world. Change can be intimate and personal. Some change is private. Nelson Mandela once said, “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Knowledge is the foundation of education, and the tool people need to bring about a difference in the way the world thinks. Mandela is best known for working to free the blacks in South Africa by battling peacefully for the rights of the people. After years of personal sacrifice fighting for independence and racial equality, he was voted president and changed South Africa by allowing blacks and white to vote in government elections and for bringing people of different races
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Mandela, N (n.d.)
There are a lot of people in this world that have made change. One of those people is Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela created change in this world through civil disobedience by bringing South Africa out of apartheid.
These influencers used their knowledge not only to be successful, but to help others who weren’t as fortunate. Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” He said that in 1990 at Madison Park High School
Perturbed times in life often were the influence for Picasso’s paintings. Colors and shades were used on the paintings created to reflect all of the troublesome times he went through and how much of an effect those
Picasso painted for himself, as a release from the pressures of his society and as a way to express his thoughts and problems in tangible form. For this reason, the events happening around the time of any Picasso work must be understood before the true meaning of any resulting art can be understood.
There is little sign of life about the man, his shoulders are bony and his pose cramped, as if to show that he finds no ease in the world around him. In 1905 close to the ending of his Blue Period Picasso decided to move back to Paris. It was here that he met Fernande Oliver and eventually fell in love with her. Picasso’s paintings took a drastic change. He went from painting beggars and outcast to happy, healthy circus performers and families. It was obvious that Picasso’s first love had a tremendous effect on his art. Picasso’s paintings no longer consisted of blue tones but instead took on more delicate rose tones. Fernande Oliver reflected his work and his happiness. One of Picasso’s best works linked his Blue and Rose Period was The Frugal Repast. The painting had a beautiful healthy looking woman being embraced by a long dirty, hungry man. Picasso felt this way about Fernande Oliver. He pictured himself as a poverty stricken man who was lucky enough to be with a beautiful woman. From the time 1905 to 1906 Picasso entered the Rose Period. Subtle pinks and grays with even brighter tones were the colors Picasso used. Some people also believed the warm tones of this period were influence by Picasso’s habit of smoking opium (Ripley 101). Picasso was fascinated with clowns, acrobats, and other families of the
Guernica is monochromatic to make its imagery more powerful. Lack of color keeps the viewer focused on the subject matter at hand, as well as keeping the mural cold, which agrees with its general theme of injustice in war. Also, Picasso’s flat imagery does not distract the viewer from concentrating on imagery. The viewer is given no other choice than to concentrate on the subject matter of Guernica and ponder it’s meaning. The flat, grayscale images generalize the imagery and contribute to the general theme of unnecessary suffering and tragedy.
"Throughout history, individuals have challenged established traditions and authorities. Their efforts have inspired or influenced change and have met with varying degrees of success. "One individual that contributed to change in the world is South African activist and former President Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela helped bring an end to apartheid and has been a global advocate for human rights. Mandela transformed South Africa from what it was before the authority was challenged , to the result and what has changed because of someone who was brave enough to challenge the superior minority.
Nelson Mandela provides a keen example of how persitience and good will can result in the product of an improved society. The manner in which a person is raised can contribute to the character development of that individual. When comparing Mandela to Winston, the likelihood of success can be determined by the amount of opportunities presented. Though neither Winston nor Mandela grew up financially exceptional environments, Mandela’s number of opportunities far surpassed that of Winston’s. As a child, Mandela, originally named Rolihlahla, attended a Christian elementary school, where he adopted the name ‘Nelson’. After having to move in with the chief of the Tembu tribe due to the death of his father, Mandela learned of his preference for law over the tribal chiefdom. Years later, Mandela finally received his law degree from the University of South Africa in 1942, a degree which would later prove resourceful for his cause. Contrastingly, Winston did not receive any education exceeding the knowledge needed for his occupation. By reflecting on the hardships of his childhood, Winston is able to recollect the relentless poverty of which he lived by. Despite their differences in education, both men seize the opportunity to oppose their unjust governments by joining rebellious
Every artist has his or her own style of painting. Each painting tells some sort of story or has some type of personal meaning to the artist. One of the most important figures in modern art is Pablo Picasso. Not only was Pablo Picasso a genius in the field of abstract art, but he also experimented with sculpting and ceramics. Pablo Picasso has taken the world to many places with his unique style of work which is why I believe he is considered to be a genius of the 20th century.
The life story of Nelson Mandela has long become a legend, a story that transcends race, borders, culture, or language. He is one of the greatest leaders to ever step foot on this Earth. He was willing to give up his own personal freedoms for the good of his people. Still, his decisions at major points in his lifetime hold lessons for individuals who are inspired of becoming good leaders. Many leaders are inspired by the actions and decision-makings abilities of Mandela. He kept the interest of others before his own. This is what made Nelson Mandela a great leader, and worthy of winning a Nobel Prize. From the decisions he made, and his life experiences while fighting for human rights, one can conclude that Mandela is truly
Pablo Picasso - His Life and His Art Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, painter, sculptor, and printmaker, was born in Malaga Spain on October 25, 1881 and died on April 8, 1973.Today he is considered to be one of the most influential and successful artists in history. Picasso contributed many things to 19th century and modern day art and his name is familiar to all those involved in the many different fields of art. Throughout the seven decades that Picasso produced artwork he used many different types of media. In each piece of art he produced he searched for new possibilities, invented images in them, and reflected events that were occurring in his world through his artwork. Picasso had many artistic influences in his life, including Cézanne,
Pablo Picasso, although usually known as just Picasso. His full name though is actually: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso. His signature is worth more than some of his paintings. In fact in some restaurants he just drew a quick face and then signed it (when he was famous). He was one of the most well known people in the 20th century. He was born in 25th of October 1881 in Malaga, Spain, and then died on the 8th of April 1973 Mougins, France. He was a: painter, drawing, sculpture, print making, and ceramics.
Nelson Mandela was the man who abolished Apartheid, freeing South Africa from the binds of racial segregation forever. However, it was not an easy road and Mandela needed patience, strength of character, focus, passion, understanding, perseverance, and most importantly, forgiveness, to achieve this. For more than forty years, black South Africans were subject to the harsh racial segregation of the Apartheid system; despite making up over 70% of South Africa’s population, they had little to no rights.
“To deny people their right to human rights is to challenge their very humanity. To impose on them a wretched life of hunger and deprivation is to dehumanize them. But such has been the terrible fate of all black persons in our country under the system of apartheid (“In Nelson Mandela’s own words”). Nelson Mandela was a moral compass symbolizing the struggle against racial oppression. Nelson Mandela emerged from prison after twenty-seven years to lead his country to justice. For twenty-seven years he sat in a cell because he believed in a country without apartheid, a country with freedom and human rights. He fought for a country where all people were equal, treated with respect and given equal opportunity. Nelson Mandela looms large in the