
Picture Of Dorian Gray Essay: Symbolism

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In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Basil Hallward is portrayed to be a “mother-like” figure and aims to protect his muse, Dorian from being tainted from bad influences such as Lord Henry. Basil seems to care for the innocence and loves Dorian, and wants him to be unspoiled by impure thoughts and immoral intents. It is shown clearly by Basil’s caution and hesitancy towards Lord Henry spending time with Dorian, so it is inferred that he values art that is not tainted with an impurities. However, it can also be interpreted that Basil’s moralism is a bit more self-centered than it is perceived. Basil’s allegedly cares for Dorian’s innocence but only for Basil’s obsession over creating aesthetic art. Basil reluctant and hesitant attitude towards Lord Henry from meeting Dorian and influencing him, emphasizes his need to …show more content…

It is portrayed that Basil’s view of art is viewed only from his obsession and love over Dorian due to his innocent and unspoiled nature. Basil’s dull moralistic attitudes also has an unscrupulous selfish intent due to his obsession over maintaining Dorian unspoiled by anything Basil views as “corrupt”. This remarks his obsession over his of his aesthetic views towards art, and not having anyone have a corruptive influence in spoiling his Dorian, thus corrupting his art. When Dorian curses that realization that he will age while the painting would remain the same, Basil lunges to destroy the painting because of the uneasiness and corruption brought up onto his muse. Dorian Gray watched as Hallward walked over to the painting table and picked up a knife. The boy jumped from the sofa, tore the knife from Hallward's hand and threw it across the room. “Don't, Basil!” he cried. “Don't murder it!” “I am glad that you like my work at last, Dorian,” said the painter coldly. “I never thought you would.” (Wilde

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