I am privileged to write in support of Pierce Acuff, a board member of Henrico County Court-Appointed Special Advocates (Henrico CASA). Pierce has served as a volunteer director with the Board of Directors since July 2017. He currently holds the position of Secretary of the Board. Prior to being elected to his current role, Pierce served CASA as a dedicated volunteer advocate for abused and neglected children and an advisor to the Board. During his time with Henrico CASA, I have witnessed Pierce’s tremendous passion for the cause and his ongoing development into a leader. I have worked alongside Pierce on several projects, and it is evident by his actions that Pierce has a passion for bettering his community. He has the ability to manage
The case was brought to DCFS attention when a reporter stated on 7/11/17, OPWI attempted to obtain an emergency order of protection on behalf of Kiara (age 7). Reportedly Ashley (mother) is actively using METH and also methodone she gets from a clinic, and is also involved in prostitution. Ashley told OPWI that Ashley ''can't wait outside for the bus to go to drug court because she's done bad things to people (robbed people, committed home invasion, taken people's money and drugs) and these people are after her.'' Reporter states that one of these people came to OPWI's house looking for Ashley and scared Kiara. Ashley recently got out of jail, stayed with OPWI for a couple of days, left last Friday telling Kiara she would be back in a couple of hours, didn't return
The family, shared will be working with the property owner to address the concerns that are easily fixed. Chris is recommending the Healthy Homes program as an additional resource for the property
"The CASFV helps people literally rebuild their lives," said Adrian Canales, Senior Demand Planning Manager - Housewares (OXO) and volunteer on the CASFV Board. (Adrian is pictured on the far left in the photo, with Martha Carrasco, Executive Assistant - Global Beauty, to his left.) "Through the organization, victims can find safe shelter from abusers, along with time to heal and the tools needed to transform their own worlds. The Center provides confidential assistance, educational programs and, most importantly, hope to families in need."
Court Appointed Special Advocates and Guardian Ad Litem’s are just regular people who are doing their best to make a difference in the life of a child who is involved in the court system because they have been declared by the court to be neglected, abused or dependent. The CASA/GAL volunteer is required to go through extensive training before they are ever given a case to handle. They are expected to commit to at least 15 hours a month per a case and to handle 1-2 cases at a time. The cases can last up to two years and sometimes can last longer than that. In the beginning they may put in more hours because of all the court hearings and meeting they need to attend.
Because of his tenure in the House of Representatives, he said, he is in a position to better lobby for funding for treatment and education, noting local representatives are an effective vehicle for taking a message of concern from their constituents to Columbus. “We're the ones who are hearing what's really going on, seeing what's going on, and how it's affecting addicts, families, businesses and healthcare. It's a problem that really touches all of us.”
Ms. Melina Goode is an Administrative Assistant for the D.C Superior Court with 2 years’ experience in the Supervised Visitation Center of the D.C Superior Court. As the highlight of her career with the Court’s, Ms. Goode provided quality reinsurance to families in complex legal matters, domestic relations, and mediation cases. With her background in youth volunteering with Prince Gorges County Parks & Recreation, she idealistically focused on demonstrating the sincere message of concern for the need of fathers in children’s lives and families function together. Ms. Goode’s diligence in her administrative capacity to move throughout the courts to various division’s for providing support, has left a trailblazing impact on families in the District
From the start of the redevelopment process, community residents from all walks of life were invited to participate in the decision-making process. They came up with unique and realistic ways to address the community’s issues, which were identified through input from those experiencing them. This process empowered citizens to take action, led to the development of unique ideas, and gave the movement legitimacy in the eyes of the community. Without these results, the redevelopment efforts would have either proven ineffective because they would not have address the community’s actual needs or met resistance. Although it began in 1984, the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative is still making improvements to the community in 2017, demonstrating the long-term empowerment that CPBR gives its
As a store manager at The Home Depot, Herman Randhawa has the task of inspiring and leading a large group of employees towards continued distinction as one of the world’s most valuable brands in home improvement. In order to inspire achievement he must be passionate about The Home Depot and his role in the business.
And I try to do that through our Foundation. I try to do that when I go back to the Dominican Republic.” Of course, his success on the field means a lot, but it doesn’t compare to the importance of his off the field donations. With all of his time spent with this foundation, he has most definitely added leadership to his repertoire of
CASA is a nonprofit that is based off of volunteer advocates who stand up for the well-being of abused and neglected children in the foster care system. The CASA volunteers are there to ensure that every foster child’s needs remain a priority in an overburdened child welfare system while searching for a safe and permanent home for the child.
March was a busy month on Harper 2 but that didn’t stop Alexis Fregoso. During the month of March Alexis showed some great leadership by helping other residents on the floor study. Also Alexis was a great advocate for my St. Patrick’s Day event. He helped advertise it by word of mouth to a good majority of my residents. Alexis has always shown support of my programs and he has nearly attended every single one. Alexis is such a wonderful asset to my floor and he always brings such a bubbly and interesting personality. He is great to have ad events especially one’s I would like to get more attendance to.
This is the final test. Dennis Ashwell is a hedge fund manager who resides in Old Westbury; he is also a predator who has been charged on four separate occasions involving children under the age of 14. In all four cases, the charges were either dismissed or dropped. He will be home alone on the upcoming Thursday. Security of his home will be disconnected between the hours of 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. sharp. If you choose to continue, you must ensure that Ashwell will never commit another crime
The DCF makes their food assistance program accessible and available through the implementation of the Automated Community Connection to Economic Self Sufficiency (ACCESS). The online-based ACCESS system provides up-to-date information, the ability to submit applications and gives benefit to recipients, who are given the added convenience to update related information and request additional benefits through their myACCESS account. The DCF and community-based care partner agencies offer a comprehensive foster care program that directs hopeful foster parents through the process. There are currently 42 certified domestic abuse centers that provide “emergency shelter, 24-hour crisis and information hotline, safety planning, counseling, case management, child assessments, information and referrals, education for community awareness, and training for law enforcement and other professionals” (Florida Department of Children and Families). Moreover, trained counselors in the DCF’s abuse hotline monitor and receive complaints and reports related to child and adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation including human trafficking. The abuse hotline is available to all persons and can be reached via telephone or online 24 hours a day, seven days a week to
I hope this message finds you in good health. As you know home and supplies are some of the most important necessities people need in life. Helping out individuals deprived of these necessities is a must for those with the power to do so. Today, I am contacting you on behalf on my team with a goal to build affordable houses for the people who are financially able to move out of the shelters and start living on their own. As we have made the intent to build a housing society for homeless people, achieving this goal is not so easy which is why we want your company, J.C. Penny to help us make this dream true. Accomplishing this goal will help to decrease the number of homeless in Dallas and also ensure that those who are ready to move into homes will no longer have to wait for available housing.
World Bank has caused the displacement of 3.4 million people despite its vociferous campaign against harming humans and nature, a study by 50 journalists from 21 countries has revealed.