
Piggy What Does It Mean To Grow Up

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1.what does it mean to "grow up"? I belive that growing up is when you begin to show less signs of immaturity and you begin to gain some new knowledge and maybe explore the world a little more. Growing up for some people is pretty difficult and for some it’s just a walk in the park.Growing up can give you a whole new set of responsibilities and for some give more or less insicurities. In page 11 piggy mentions that he he didnt care what they called him as long as they dont call him by his school name.To describe how piggy felt the author wrote ” I dont care what they call me,” He said confidentally “so long as they dont call me what they used to call me at school.” Ralph was faintly intrested. “What was that?’’ The fat boy glanced …show more content…

“I said i didnt want-” “Piggy! Piggy!”’ In that quote piggy is shown to be insicure of the name.I feel like all of the boys got a taste of what it’s like to have more grown up responsibilities and got to see what the real world is like and how it might be for adults.They had to do things own their own and had a nice civilized community up until later on in the book.So I belive that all of the boys began to grow up throughout the book. might it feel to live through a conflict that disrupts your way of life? I think that we are all used to the way we live and the certain way we do things.A conflict that changes your way of life could give you an oportunity to see your way of life from a different point of view.I feel that living through a conflict could possibly change the way we look at things and could cause us to behave differently like they way Ralph,Piggy,Jack,and the other boys began to behave differntly throughout the entire story. In page 152 it shows how the boys have gone crazy almost and gives a sort of example comparing a civi;ized society to a savage society and this quote from the book shows how the boys begin to act like …show more content…

Stepping up to the problem and trying to figure out soulotions as well as speaking words of encouragment and hope can show signs of leadership.Some people are born to be leaders while others might have some trouble with it.In page 14 Ralph says “we got to find the others.we got to do something.” This shows that Ralph is trying to step up to the problem by wanting to try and find the other boys.Later in page 15 Ralph and Piggy discover the conch and piggy instructs Ralph on how to blow the conch so that they could signal the rest of the boys to come to their location and another boy appears from the sound of the shell.In page 22 the boys began to debate on who should be the new chief\leader,while describing what was each of the boys Jack,Piggy,and Ralph streghths.To show the boys thought proses the author writes “What intellignce had been shown was traceable to piggy,while the most obvious leader as Jack.But there was a stillness about as he sat that markd him out:there was his size,and attractive appearance;and most obscurely,yet most powerfully,there was the conch.The being that had blown that,had sat waiting for them on the platform with the delicate thing balanced on his knees,was set

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