
Piggy's Decisions

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Lord of the Flies is about the hardships which young boys endure after their plane crashes on an island. The boys contemplate ways to survive and to seek help. The book has been viewed as controversial leading to the question, should this book be taught. Lord of the Flies should be taught firstly because the boys are becoming independent and making their own decisions. As sophomores, we are growing to become independent. We make decisions when we should study, if we should go out with our friends, and what time we go to bed. In Lord of the Flies, there is not one main adult character. The boys make decisions as to how to get food and start a fire. Lord of the Flies has two different groups with different goals. One group, which is run by Ralph, wants to …show more content…

Symbolism is used in the book with Piggy’s glasses. There is usually a stereotype in books and shows that glasses are a sign of intellect. The same goes with Piggy’s glasses because he knows how to use the conch and tries to be rational with Jack’s tribe. The use of symbolism creates a more in depth meaning and gives intrigue to the reader. The book brings a great lesson that power should be given to people who use it properly. Jack acts similarly to a dictator demanding full power over all the children. Jack uses his power to seek violence against anyone that doesn't follow him. Jack’s group kills Piggy because he won't join and don't care for his opinion. This should be taught because there are dictators in the world today in North Korea and Russia. People are being persecuted and killed because of their beliefs in these countries. As students, we should learn from this book and strive to never have a dictatorship. The book shows the worst of people through struggle. Jack’s tribe results in violence and authoritarian type of government. They murder Piggy and force almost all the boys to help him lead. While it isn't used very often in the real world, we can

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