
Piglet Character

Decent Essays

Secondly, I have integrated the characters, Piglet and Rabbit, in approximately equal magnitudes as they constitute a considerable portion of my character. Piglet primarily represents the following attributes/traits: caution, concern, and lack of courage/confidence. Hence, I believe it was appropriate to include quotes regarding the principle of Inner Nature. In the novel, Piglet exemplifies the actions of a passive character, in which he is unable to recognize his own value and capability. As a result, Piglet is usually portrayed as worrisome, hesitant, and timid. I partially associate my own character with Piglet as although I am cognizant of my position and limitations, I struggle to acknowledge my strengths due to my excessive insecure …show more content…

I consider this dilemma to be an example of one unable to recognize his/her own value as even Benjamin Hoff had stated, “No matter how Useful we may be, sometimes it takes us a while to recognize our value.” I have incorporated the following symbols: caution sign, a question mark, and an ominous cloud in order to portray Piglet’s excessive concern, worrisome, and uncertain/unclear nature respectively. On the other hand, Rabbit’s character exemplifies the following traits: logic, excessive diligence, and fund of knowledge. Accordingly, Rabbit’s attributes can be compartmentalized into the principles of Bisy Backson. Benjamin Hoff depicts the Bisy Backson as an individual that “is just too hard on himself, too hard on others, and too hard on the world that heroically attempts to carry on in spite of what he is doing to it,” and one who “confuses exercise with,work,work. All work and no play makes a Backson a dull makes him dead, too.” As indicated earlier, I have emphasized my professional life over my personal life which, therefore, implies that I am a Bisy Backson. The Bisy Backson materializes in me when I am confronted with rigorous tasks that consume much of my time and …show more content…

I am conscientious of this vicious cycle ordained by society, however, it is difficult to alter one’s lifestyles due to the harsh repercussions. A wise speaker once exclaimed that “we’re so anxious about what will happen in the future, that we don’t enjoy the present. The result being, we don’t live in the present or the future.” I believe this reality comprises of a powerful prison in which the inmate is unaware of his/her imprisonment to the daily routines, unrealistic expectations, and the illusion of “success.” I recognize that some attributes of Rabbit are evident in my overall outlook, and I strive to transform this dull, restricted, dismal outlook into of passion and true contentment. Therefore, I have implemented the following symbols: lightning bolt, clock, and a trophy to portray the Bisy Backson principle that emphasizes the search for the Great Reward. Altogether, I am not particularly fond of either character as they represent attributes that I find to be

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