
Pills And Starships

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Book Report: Pills and Starships by Lydia Millet Summary Pills and Starships, an intriguing novel by Lydia Millet, shows a vividly imagined dystopian future in which the world is consumed in despair and the unsustainable population is controlled by the government. Lydia Millet does a brilliant job in fabricating a post-apocalyptic, sinister form of Earth that’s enveloped in toxic gas due to excessive pollution and climate change. Migrations of whole cities of people to escape bad air quality are constant, food and water are scarce, and people are forced to take pills to stabilize their emotions. Many oppressive limitations are placed upon the remaining people by the government and corporations, who forbid having children and even limit your right to take your own life or die. The main characters, Nat and Sam, live in this horrific world. Their parents experienced the beauty of Earth before global warming led to its deterioration, and being old, they couldn’t bear the pain and depression of such a drastic transition anymore. As a result, they purchased a death contract …show more content…

In terms of “pills”, it refers to the mood pharms in the story, which are drugs that corporations distribute to stabilize the emotions of the general population to avoid chaos and conflict. These mood pharms are taken by Nat, Sam, and their parents one week before their death, allowing them to remain calm even in agitating situations. “Starships” are not directly referenced in the book, but I’m assuming that it actually refers to me, the reader. This is very fascinating because as Nat writes in her journal, she refers to the reader an astronaut who floats in space and observes their deteriorating planet from a spaceship. As previously stated, Lydia Millet is a very creative author with and I’m stunned at how she managed to incorporate the reader into the story with such a vivid

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