Weight Loss: Pills vs. Diet Programs
By Ernie Melling
Oct 16, 2012
Many people consider weight loss as an important goal to achieve optimum health. Both men and women are naturally conscious of how they look, including how much they weigh. Being fat or obese can be quite self-destructive, since it can affect a person's self-esteem and also his self-confidence. By knowing what to eat, and how much should be eaten, people can more or less control their weight. Aside from limiting food intake, people should also regularly exercise and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
But there are people who find it hard to go to the gym or simply cannot resist eating more than they need to. To lose weight, they often look for weight loss pills which they
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However, much care must be put into the decision to use these drugs. Many of these weight-reduction medications have not been proven safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration. These pills actually contain different components that supposedly make a person lose weight fast. Based on advertised claims about these drugs, weight loss pills decrease a person's appetite, blocks the absorption of dietary fat, and increase the number of calories that are burned by the body.
These pills also supposedly increase fat metabolism, reduce body fat and builds muscles, while increasing the feelings of fullness. All these are just unsubstantiated claims and, as such, the use of the said drugs should be done only after consultation with health professionals. The use of unregulated drugs could be dangerous to one's health.
At present, the US Food and Drug Administration has a list of approved weight loss medications for adults. One such approved drug is called Alli, a reduced-strength over-the-counter weight loss pill that works by decreasing the absorption of fat by the intestines. However, this particular medication only works with a reduced calorie, low fat diet together --- and regular
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Weight loss programs such as the Atkins Diet, Weight Watchers, the Scarsdale Diet, the Zone Diet, and the Anne Collins Diet promises weight loss for people who follow the requirements and recommendations set forth in these specially designed regimen. These diet programs, however, all share the same thing: the weight watcher must engage in physical exercises. All these programs have different eating plans to range from low-carbohydrate intake to no-meat plans. Of course, these diet plans have been designed to meet the varied needs and preferences of weight
The amount of obese and overweight individuals is increasing every year in the United States. With 33.9% of American adults obese, and 34.4% overweight, but not obese, more and more people are looking for any alternative to lose weight (Anonymous 2011). If someone told you that they knew of a weight loss pill that actually works, would you consider it?
Overall, anyone seeking to lose weight should be aware of what they are putting in their body and the potential risks of any products. There are many legal and safe ways to lose weight available on the market
Now, although this pill does seem to be a good thing all drugs come along with a possible negative side effect that may vary from person to person. Students were questioned about their personal uses and what side effects they experienced if they did any and the reports are as followed:
With all the concerns over the downsides of taking diet pills, it is tough to just rely on brand claims alone. There really is a need to conduct in-depth research on the so called best diet pills to determine if they are safe enough for us to use.
Losing weight is a difficult challenge for many people, but there are safe and effective measures you can take to make the journey to getting the body you want a little easier.
There are only several other weight-loss options in the market competing with Metabical. The first is prescription drugs. These are prescribed for use only by obese and severely obese individuals. This meant that only individuals with BMI of over 30 who were prescribed weight-loss drugs were using appetite suppressants and fat-absorbing blockers. They had serious side effects associated as well, which meant only a doctor could approve them. But these prescription-drug options did not account for the overweight segment with
It is no doubt that with every day passed we are lurking after so many unhealthy activities which are making our body a shelter for disease. Conditions like being overweight is the result of some unhealthy eating habits which we have no control on. Diet pills or supplements in this domain are getting popular, most of them are being sold for no reason. When it comes to lose weight health market is soaked with the fake weight loss products which only aims to clean up your wallet and gives you nothing in return. When you buy a diet pill make sure the product is backed up by some scientific research since it will be reacting with your body’s system and you don’t want to engulf anything which you don’t know about.
With a track athlete they may be performing in various events throughout the day that require them to cover various distances or the procession of various skill sets. Events such as sprints may be 400 meters and require incredible speeds that may only be maintained for short periods of time. They may be involved with relays where they require coordination and pace matching for the baton to be passed. Or they could be a hurdler and require wait-high leaps on a repeated basis. No matter the task at hand it will require the combined use of speed, agility and strength in order for them to be competitive.
Fat reduction capsules usually possess an adverse implication to it. Many people say that to buy Alli or other bodyweight loss supplements is using the straightforward way. Orlistat can be a legitimate drug to treat an actual health care condition-obesity. You do not have to become overweight to take these pills, however. You'll find a lot more to those medicines than losing bodyweight.
Scientists worked, and are still working, for countless year to produce a miracle drug. Some the video mentioned were Phen/Fen and Xenical. Though it was debatable whether these drugs were worth it, they did help with weight loss. Sadly, however many of the new “magic bullet” drugs had terrible side effects. In one case a woman named, Carla Sickles, developed a rare side effect called Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. This caused her spleen, kidneys, and liver swelled up so large that she looked pregnant. The doctor gave her two years to live. Although this is a rare side effect and won’t happen to everyone. I feel it is safe to say take a quick fix drug can be very dangerous.
What are the diet pills health consequences? Diet pills can cause insomnia, numbness of the skin, rise in your blood pressure and heart rate and liver problems, to name a few (Henshaw, 2012). In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration, also know as the FDA, proclaimed that the Meridia pill increased the chance of a heart attack. In 2006, the Aberrant Crypt Foci, also known as the ACF, found out that the Alli pill could potentially develop colon cancer (Thomas, 2009). Also, in 2009, the FDA started to check in on Alli. They were investigating because there had been cases where people had severe liver problems after using this drug (Staff, n.d.). Hydroxycut pill was reported to the FDA in 2009 as a pill that also gives liver problems (Smith, 2013). All these diet pills that are supposed to make you slimmer only create more health issues. Pills don’t define beauty.
The display of leadership requires some great qualities that will project any individual to be highly acceptable by the follower. These qualities are good communication, honesty, appealing, wisdom, focus, delegation and faithfulness. Moreover, the book of Nehemiah described the role Nehemiah and the emperor regarding the rebuilding of Jerusalem, he displayed effective communication with the Emperor, then plan all his network and get all the material needs before embarking on the trip.
I’ve have always felt like I didn’t know how to appreciate art and comprehend it importance, from individual pieces to art as a culture and field. I am not artistic myself, not in any traditional way, so I have had trouble stepping into the perspective of an artist. Still, I do understand the phenomenon of being moved, and greatly influenced, by art and I have discovered and explored some of the many ways in which it can be expressed. I hope to gain the skill of being able to really understand the depth and technique behind what I see and hear, so that I am able to complete my role as the audience and do the works justice.
Everyday it is possible to open up an issue of “Men’s Fitness” or “Muscle and Fitness” or “Modern Woman” or “TIME” or any magazine for that matter, and find the “new and/or improved” way to lose weight, improve the quality of life, or extend your years working towards the other two goals. Almost all of the methods prescribed can work; some are exercise and some are diet. For the most part though, achieving diet or exercise goals requires one to have great discipline. It has been proven, by each of these diet deveopers, that the diets they prescribe will work if the individual will just manage his caloric intake.
GENERAL IDEA: Slimming pills, which promise to help you lose weight quickly without diet or exercise, have many harmful side effects on your health.