
Pinel's Theory Of Treatment For A Mentally Ill

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This chapter discusses different theory of treatment as well as creating an institution for a mentally ill. One of the first people to manage a mental facility was Philippe Pinel. Hypnosis was very popular treatment in treating mentally ill patients. It was administered by many psychologist especially Mesmer who was a founder of hypnoses. Charcot contributed to the understanding of the disease of the nervous system. Sigmund Freud created his own theory where he added hypnosis and it was a framework of psychoanalysis.
In France after the revolution, Philippe Pinel was a director of the larger Parish Hospital for women. He treated his patients by providing them with assistance to regain their reasoning. His program was very successful. William …show more content…

Freud used patients who suffered from hysteria as his testing ground for the theory and technique of psychoanalysis. When Freud’s father died he created a new approach, a dream-analysis to help him through this crisis. He found in them a road to unconsciousness. His analysis was that he always wanted his father gone so he could have his mother all to himself. It was based on the Greek myth of Oedipus. This idea was incorporated into his psychological development theory. He compared dreams to hysterical systems because they both represent ideas or wishes that were too dangerous to be expressed in everyday life. After World War I, Freud revised and expanded his theory and he added the id, ego, and superego.

Josef Breuer a neurologist, who was treating Bertha Pappenheim for hysterical symptoms. Bertha Pappenheim recovered from her devitalizing emotional condition and went on to become an organized feminist and social welfare of women and children.
Because of the war most of the soldiers suffered from shellshock. The symptoms of a shellshock resemble the symptoms of hysteria which include uncontrollable shaking, inability to speak, and paralysis. Those syndromes did not demonstrate any neurological damage. H.R. Rivers was the first one who tried Freud talk therapy for those victims, and it worked for most of

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