“Mind if I join boys?” I questioned.
I just wanted to blend in. They turned around. They were all wearing the same neon pink colored items. That looks like a gang if i’ve ever seen one I thought to myself.
“What do you want mo-cha-cho!” a man in a pink cap argued.
The man had a five-o-clock shadow.
“Nothing man just trying to chill!” I told him.
He grabbed me by my hood and put me against the wall.
“Search him boys,” the man mentioned to the rest of the gang.
They patted me down from inside my nostrils to my belts dust speck.
“What’s this right here?” The guy in the cap pleaded.
As you walk down the ally it rains, it is night you should not be out here everyone knows that except you. You are just visiting from acrost the bay. Tonight while walking back to your car, you relise that your car was stolen. All that's left is your keys in your right pocket next to your phone and a peice of gum. Then just as you think that it just can't get worse, a mugger comes up from behind you. He puts his gun to your stomach and says " We both want something the other person can provide, I want money and you don't want to get filled with led, so..." after that all you hear is a scream. You look up and all you see is somthing unhuman this creature had long pointed ears, it had wings that were 6 ft across, and you can already see the
If you grew up with white boys Who only look at black and Puerto Rican porno Cuz they want something that their dad don't got Then you know where you're at Mortaring your ear holes shut In a rush with wet coke In a Starbucks bathroom with the door closed On booze some left in residue and confused Like the first time you used soft water Down on my luck caught unaware Like Houdini when the last fist struck Sinking in laughing at something sunken in I am If I'm sinking in laughing at something sunken in I am
Short Story/Scene In a little town in California, Littletown ville, is a town known for baseball. They had a little league called the Littletown ville Jaguars. They didn’t have practice today for the little league all stars, but joe’s friends had decided to practice. “Hey billy do you want to play catch?” said Joe.
“There, we can see your beautiful face again,” she says, depositing the washcloth into the murky water, and extracts the bandages and tape from the medical kit. “It's not bleeding, but knowing you, you'll figure a way to open it up again.” She grins.
Calum jogs up to me and is out of breath. I look at him with odd face.
Hi there. My name is Genevieve (Jenna for short) and I’m proud to say I am a part of CCU’s class of 2019. I come from a small town in the middle of nowhere in Harford County, Maryland. I have two younger sisters, so I’m the first one of the family to tackle this adventure. I’m planning on majoring in communication with a minor in photography. I discovered my passion for writing/business/broadcasting when I was placed into a journalism class in tenth grade. I never thought I’d end up being the business manager and one of many reporters on a staff that created a 20-page newspaper every month for the next three years, and a main anchor on our daily morning announcements.
How long have I been here? How long since I gave up my pride to grovel at the feet of ---?
Upon the clearing of the smoke, the scene of a gruesome battle appears. Furniture haphazardly toppled over; shattered glass daring anyone to step foot on the floor; clothes strung out everywhere. At one glance one might think that this was the work of a robber; but upon closer inspection, it is realized that nothing of monetary value has been stolen. The scene shifts to earlier that evening where a party was in full swing. The smell of alcohol seeping into every piece of fabric in the room. The sound of loud music vibrating the very core of every living person within hearing distance. There is an immense amount of people crammed into the tiny living room and red, plastic cups scattered throughout the house. All throughout the kitchen they lay; the trash can filled to the brim with these traitorous cups. The red appearing to be the color of hell fire, calling the sinners to
The morning was foggy and I could see the front of my school through my window. It was a nice sight to see. I walked into the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal and there she was with her head down on the table. I could tell that she arrived a couple of hours ago because the tears hadn’t dried from her cheeks yet. I got myself ready gave her a kiss on her forehead and headed off to school. I had walked into class eager to see what my teacher Mrs. Padron had in store for today. Every single day there was something new to learn and there’s something about that infinite nature of learning that really appealed to me as a child. I cherished those 7 hours I spent in class the most I could and I dreaded the mere thought of having to go home where I would have to face the
I can't stop thinking of Darry tonight. His crying really left me BEWILDERED. Sodapop and I ain't ever seen Darry cry before. He's always put on a strong face for us, I never thought I'd be the one to open the floodgates, I thought he hated me. For a while it actually almost felt like Darry wasn't even human, just someone there to constantly nag us, well, mainly me. Thinkin' back though I know "Darry did care about me, maybe as much as he cared about Soda, and because he care, he was trying too hard to make something of me.". I mean, it is my fault he gave up his future, sure would make sense that he'd want to dictate mine. That's also been going through my head a lot. Darry could be living near those Socs, over in the west side. I keep on
Colette dreamed. She was sitting down though the ground was hundreds of feet below. In the northeast she make out her tower, though it was just a dot from where she was. Across from her was another Colette, motionless save for the slow rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. The black, smoky eyes betrayed it as Fetch. They sat across from each other wordlessly, and Colette began to clear her throat softly.
If young Metro don't trust you, I'm gon' shoot you Aye somebody uh, calls somebody get some molly I need some good sauce, clean sauce Purple reign, purple reign, purple reign, purple I just need my girlfriend I just need my girlfriend
"Well well well, look at what we have here," the voice said and I spun around, coming face to face with the one and only highlighters.
Severe storms nor death can against me! I’m the one and only Tybalt Capulet, also the invincible and sacred, well-known as Juliet’s cousin. I persistently protect the name of the Capulets, but simultaneously have an eternal hate to the Montagues. I’m my own ruler and I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do and this goes directly to my uncle, Lord Capulet.
I don’t agree with Leo’s choice because he only just made the problem even more difficult for Stargirl and himself. During the shunning and after his visit with Archie there were times where Leo would avoid Stargirl and also he wishes that they could be more like them or they could be more like Stargirl. He doesn’t really do anything to fix the shunning. The only thing he did was change Stargirl into Susan, but it seems like it was more for Leo not for Stargirl. He seem to love Susan more than Stargirl because she finally more like them. Like the rest of Mika students.