
Pink Slime Research Paper

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It does not matter how many labels we read, we are still eating things we should not be eating. “Eating things like pink slime, bleached flour, beaver anal glands, silicone filler for breast implants, rodent hair, and lac bugs, are food processing techniques that enter chemicals into our food.”

“Pink slime is an additive or a filler that’s added to ground beef to make it leaner and less expensive”. The filler pumps up the meat. It’s also a term used to describe ground beef that is used in a most disgusting manner. Pink slime is one of those inconvenient little details. Beef trimmings used to be tossed in the trash, but now they are turned into hamburger patties. The pink slime looks like a soft-served strawberry ice cream on a cone. In 1990, BPI developed a way to separate that lean protein from the fat. Here is how pink slime is made; waste products from livestock are simmered over low heat to separate the fat from the muscle. The fat stays up top, and the heavier protein sinks to the bottom. Then, centrifuges are used to attain complete separation. After that, the waste products are bathed or sprayed with an AMMONIA (NH3 Gas) solution to kill the bacteria and eliminate the smell of rotten meat odor. Once that process is complete, then pressure is applied to the mixture and it is compressed …show more content…

“Hope you do not have one right now because most candy and chocolate are made of bugs.” “Jelly beans and milk duds are coated with a glaze that is produced from bugs.” Which bugs you may ask? The lac bug, this bug lives in “tropical and subtropical regions.” “The lac bug is a parasite that lives on plants, mostly banyan trees.” “The lac bug uses their waxy secretions for protection. The waterproof system is used on the jellybeans and milk duds to give it a beautiful glaze.” “Candy glaze, resin glaze, natural food glaze, confectioner’s glaze, and confectioner’s resin has hidden lac bugs in the ingredients.” Now, doesn’t that just sound

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