
Pinnacle Manufacturing Company

Satisfactory Essays

1. The accounts that may be effected by the risk would be revenue, and cash or accounts receivable.
Audit Evidence would have to involve more test of details and perhaps a recalculation of the sales account.
The assertions that would be effected would be existence/occurrence, completeness, and valuation/allocation.
2. The accounts effected would be regarding their sales such as revenue, cash, and accounts receivable.
Audit evidence would again contain more test of details and analytical procedures.
The assertion the evidence should be testing is completeness and existence/occurrence.
3. The accounts in question may be sales, sales returns, discounts, and possibly allowance for doubtful accounts.
The audit evidence would include a test of details and possibly external …show more content…

The assertions in this case would be completeness, and valuation/allocation for the actual benefit accounts to ensure figures are accurate. Also, presentation/disclosure to inform stockholders that poor performance cannot be helped due to current economic conditions.
6. The accounts effected are warranty liability, sales returns, cost of goods sold, and inventory.
The audit evidence should include a test of details and an analytical procedure and inquiry to determine how management is accounting for the recall.
The assertion is valuation/allocation and completeness for the accounts, and presentation/disclosure to inform statement users of the recall and its ramifications.
7. The accounts in this scenario would be litigation liability or cash restricted- litigation.
The audit evidence should include test on controls and inquiry for how these issues are handled, and possible external confirmation of the firm’s lawyers as to the potential settlement and court costs as well as possible duration of the

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