According to historian of Islam, Daniel Pipes, "the purpose of jihad is not so much the spread of the Islamic faith, as the expansion of the sphere of influence of a sovereign Muslim power ... Thus, jihad by nature unabashedly aggressive, and its ultimate goal is to achieve the rule of the Muslims of the whole world" . He points out that jihad has always manifested itself in the form of territorial expansion. This Pipes notes that "many scholars and Islamic apologists claim that, according to the ideology of jihad is allowed to conduct only defensive war, or jihad is overwhelmingly non-violent movement
Islam extremists believe in "jihad" which is interpreted by traditional clerics and Muslim scholars, the word speaks of spiritual struggle against sin. This can include fighting an attacker, but when it does, it has specific rules that bar indiscriminate killing. The word can also refer to the believer's internal striving for self-improvement. But within the dictionary of Islamic extremists, it has connoted acts of exceptional violence against governments that are deemed as non-Muslim or inadequately Islamic. This has led to include the launching of deliberate attacks against innocent civilians, essentially, terrorism. From the perspective of totalitarian ideologues, societies that reject the call for total revolutionary transformation are
Qutb was one of the most significant figures in the development of jihadi Salafi ideology. Qutb in true Salafi style, reanalysed the Qur’an to find new ideology. Qutb acknowledge that the contemporary jama’at (movement) would also encounter periods of weakness. Therefore he insisted that here was an immediate need for a new movement. Qutb also constantly stated that there was a need for new leadership. He claimed that the new leaders should engage in jihad (struggle) against jahiliyya, so that a true Islamic state can be established. His teachings of jihad and the need to use force if the survival of the Islam was under threat, is being used today out of his context of time by extreme “terrorist” groups. Members of these radical groups say are not afraid to die for their cause because Qutb gave them reason: “For a pious life is a life of struggle or jihad for Islam, and struggle means martyrdom”.
For example, from personal experience as a follower of Islam I am always subjected into conversations of how Islam only promotes violence through jihad and sharia law. From experiences from attending religious classes I see sharia as interpreted as a way of life and jihad as an inner struggle. These interpretations are based on the reasoning of putting things into context during the creation of Islam and during the times of Prophet Muhammad. During the time of the Prophet, the religion of Islam had to be defended by the means of violence because it was the inner struggle of those who were following it. For example, the Crusades were a reaction to instill Christianity throughout Europe. The crusades and those who use Islam to attack the United States are no different. Unfortunately the term jihad has been misinterpreted as an adjective to describe the actions of petty criminals who are
Extremist Muslims interpret jihad as war and believe they are obligated to install sharia, a form
In the United States, we have Americans that are waiting and wanting to destroy anything that has to do with our country and our western way of life, all in the name of “jihad” or holy war. Just in the past year and almost 10 years after September 11, 2001, there has been upsurge in jihadist recruitment and
The Islamic concept of jihad, often mistranslated as “holy war,” plays a strong role in Muslim just war tradition. Jihad more correctly refers to a “holy struggle” or “striving”. Unfortunately, jihad has been used as a means for justifying everything from defense of the right to worship Allah to blatant aggression against neighboring countries. Both Sunni and Shiite Muslim scholars recognize that jihad is a term to be used cautiously, as it seems to be in some sense applicable to fighting anyone whose faith in Allah can be questioned. Political leaders on the other hand have had a tendency to use the term whenever it increases their popularity or their people’s patience for enduring conflict. Iraq is one of numerous Middle Eastern nations that could be classified as dar-al-Islam; a nation in which Muslim law dictates much of everyday life. (Hunt, Crotty)
Jihad – a dispute or war between followers of Islam faith and those who do not follow the Islam faith; a struggle within a Muslim between good and evil (Dictionary)
“Just as Jihad for its own sake risks dragging the world into the infernos of apocalypse, universal jihad- the struggle of all against all- assumes its place in the world-ending cycle of fitna, that age of strife and tribulation that Muhammad had prophesized for his community.” This quote by Filiu is the definition of what he believes is the purpose of the global jihad and it is through this quote we are able to look at the links between apoclypticism and global
One can scarcely turn on the television, or the radio, or open up a web browser without the mention of Islamic terrorism or unrest around the world. Though the United States and the rest of the world may not be engaged in a protracted religious war, for radical Muslim fundamentalist they are. Bernard Lewis brings to light possible reasons for the issues facing the world dealing with Islamic terrorism. The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror explains these issues in historical context as well as how some of the actions professed in the name of Islam and claim to
Shaykh Muhammad al- Akiti, explains how Jihad was misused in the modern day, and refuse all type of excuse that allows the Muslims of using his corpus as the weapon to kill other, and considered it as a suicidal act, not Jihad. Prophet has always clarified the permissible and the impermissible concerning the legitimacy of Islamic Ruling by stating in his Hadith the Halal is clear, and the Haram is clear, and what comes in between is a doubtful matter. Shaykh Akiti explains the contemporary circumstances of using Jihad in the modern world, meaning by that both the Quran and the Hadith forbade the Muslims of targeting civilians, default noncombatants, women, children, Monks, elderly. However, in the modern world women began to engage in the
It was once a word unfamiliar to American ears. But in recent years it has become all too familiar. The actions of Muslim militants and terrorists have seared the word into American consciousness.
“Fight in the name of God and in the ‘path of god’. Combat those who disbelieve in God.” The quote above is an excerpt from Matthew Gordon’s book, “The Rise of Islam”. Throughout the course of history, many religions have had a profound effect on western civilization. During the early 5th century a religion arose that had an extremely important impact on western civilization. The Arabic prophet Muhammad founded the religion known today as Islam. Violence, diplomacy, Arabic tradition, and public law played a vital role in the rise and conquest of Islam. These four key elements that fostered the rise of Islam helped establish one of the largest religions in western civilization.
The concept of Jihad was not widely known in the western world before the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. Since then, the word has been woven into what our media and government feed us along with notions of Terrorism, Suicide Bombings, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, and now, Jihad. Our society hears exhortations resounding from the Middle East calling the people to rise up in Jihad and beat back the imperialist Americans. Yet, if we try to peel back all of these complex layers of information we can we attempt to find out what Jihad really means. Webster’s Dictionary defines Jihad as “a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty or a crusade for a principle or belief” (1). Often, media depicts
In light of recent events in the global community, one word that is used frequently but rarely truly understood is the Islamic word Jihad. Jihad has become a very volatile word, so it is necessary that those who use it should understand exactly what it means, what it entails, and what significance it has in current global events.
Jihad as a political word was first recorded during the struggle of the Meccan establishment by Prophet Mohammed. The early movement of Muslims, first under their Prophet and later his passing, advanced both religion and political dynamics. In addition to the five tenets of faith, the organizations of the community were centered on structure, movements, decision-making systems and political agendas. The five pillars of the faith are: witness, prayer, pilgrimage, alms, fasting. Jihad main interest is the global jihad and they were looking for pure jihad. They have continued to dominate the scene in South Asia and the Middle East, their influence has reduced in the western diaspora.