
Pit Pigs 'Logos: Persuasion'

Satisfactory Essays
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Test 3 Public Speaking Questions

The second step of this sequence, is so important because it is in it that the speaker works to get the audience to feel a need or want, convinces the audience there's a problem. The set of statements uttered by the speaker must help the audience realize that what's happening right now isn't good enough – and it needs to change. The third is satisfaction, it is the solution to the problem (need). The speaker can’t offer a solution, without first clearly stating what the problem or need is.
2. I think Brittany’s speech was an effective presentation. I think so because, she could effectively present a problem, people stereotyping about pit bulls being …show more content…

When the truth or the apparent truth from whatever is persuasive in each case.” Clear, concise and logical arguments provide substance to the speaker’s message. Humans are fundamentally reasonable and can make decisions based on what makes the most sense. Logos is the appeal towards logical reason, thus in persuasion, the speaker uses Logos to present an argument that appears to be sound to the audience, thus making more likely to buy in to it.
4. I will say my greatest strengths was my inclusion of details, and factual information, and my call to action. Providing factual info, such as walking helps extend your life span and reduces chances of cardiovascular diseases, I think were vital details in my speech.
5. I will say I think I need to improve on my confidence level, and not let the audience influence my countenance, by making me nervous. I need to find a way to transform Nervous Energy into Enthusiasm. Secondly, I think I need to improve on my transition. This is important, because it helps tie my speech together. Thirdly, I need to use more positive visualization. Before starting my speech, instead of thinking "I'm going to be terrible out there" I need to imagine myself getting tons of laughs while presenting with the

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