Do you like dogs? Well if you do then you do have come to the right place. Pitbulls, Pitbulls, Pitbulls. They are dogs just like any other dogs. Doesn't make them different by how they look or by who adopts them. This will be about how Pit bulls are good dogs and lovable companions.
Believe it or not, Pit bulls can be good dogs. They can be good rescuers or they can be dangerous. It all depends on who they are raised by. If they are raised by a loveable family they will most likely be a good dog, if they are raised by a bad family the most likely not be a bad dog.
Speaking of raising if you raise them correctly they can even be rescuers and save lives. They can be helpful pets and mascots. In the blog: Pit Bulls haven't always had a bad
Pit bulls should be allowed to be kept as pets because they are very nice dogs. Pit bulls are expected to be good with people and they are good with people ( They love to play with little kids also like babies or toddlers.
And I also think that the pit bull isn’t the best pet to have because if you have a young one and they go out side a lot and your pit bull might attack them and in gear them or even kill them. A lot of people have them because
Taking care of a pet takes time, training, feeding, bathing, and the list continues. When caring for a pit bull, many believe that it would be more difficult to maintain them, over any other dogs. They may also be scared to raise a pit bull because of how big and mean they seem. What others don’t know is pit bulls are some of the easiest, loving dogs to have. When given an appropriate amount of time,love and compassion, Pit Bulls can be a joy for you and the family to raise.
“Once you go pit, you never quit.” Pit bulls are the perfect family dog. They are extremely easy to care for, great with people, and are remarkably sweet.
Central Idea: When a pit bull is raised in a loving and responsible home they make great companions and family pets.
The breed known as “Pit Bulls” consists of many breeds in the Bull Terrier group. Today these dogs are known for their fighting, biting, and their aggressive behavior. Some of the many stereotypes of these dogs are: “Pit bulls are inherently vicious” (17 Things...). No dog is inherently
The first reason why i think this pit bulls should not be allowed as pets is because they are dangerous and vicious. Representative Bruce Goodwin stated,” the pit bulls’ has the distinction or characteristic that, when they grab on, they do not let go.” Also the best dog choice for drug dealers and other bad people is a pit bull for a reason that they are vicious.
These breeds are only for experienced or past dog owners. Anyone who wants to own a pit bull or any breed of dog is encouraged to do some research beforehand. Every breed has their positives and negatives.
Good dogs under the control of bad people do bad things. Many people believe that the pit bull is an aggressive dog when in reality, pit bulls are loyal, loving animals just like your labrador retriever and your border collie. Any animal can be aggressive it’s all in how you treat and train them. So no, I don’t think we should get rid of pit bulls because they aren’t that aggressive, they’re like any other dog, and they are the source of dog bites.
2. Pit bulls are loving, tender, faithful, and they are protective over the families they belong to. We, as owners and pet lovers, need to take the steps to ensure the image of this breed is restored; We need to speak up for the underdog.
“Ruling passions”, passions that an individual has when they are given the opportunity to hold an extraordinary amount of power, will lead to the demise of the individual if the power is abused. Macbeth a play written by Shakesphere is clearly a tragedy.There are many factors which contribute to the degeneration of Macbeth of which three will be discussed. The three
When you see a Pit Bull, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? More times than not, it’s fear. But what comes to my mind is that this is my favorite kind of dog, and that it is very misunderstood and stereotyped by most people thanks to all the negative media. That’s why I’m writing about the truths regarding the American Pit Bull Terrier. They are always talked about as being very aggressive and vicious breed, but in fact they are a gentle companion. I would like to convince the people of Farmers Branch, Texas, that Pit Bull’s deserve to be considered as family pets.
Owning a pit bull in today’s day and age has one of two reactions: Either the person loves them or is terrified of them. There are so many myths about Pit Bulls and they are just that. Myths. Some of the myths that surround pit bulls are that they have “lock jaw” and they have a killer instinct that does not stop at just killing other animals. Pit bull advocates, such as myself, know that Pit Bulls have always been known as the “nanny dog” throughout history because of how much they love children and their loyalty to their families. Mean or vicious dogs come from ignorant, irresponsible owners. The bottom line is that not all pit bulls are bad.
(Fact) Not only were they useful for being a hard working dog but they also were great partner. But around the 1980’s that's when dog fighting became very popular in the areas being involved in crime activities, making money off of which dog would win in the fights. Pit bulls were no longer the “family dog” due to the acts they were doing. Fighting.
Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. When people hear the word pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking. When people say "pit bull" they're usually referring to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog. (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog. Because of this, some areas do not allow pit bulls and breeds like them. Pit bulls are the leading culprit of dog bites in America, but on the other hand, they are the gentlest dogs people will ever meet. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association