
Pizarro Mexico

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The bringing of Europeans in the New World started a tremendous amount of exchanges such as crops, commodities, modalities, and techniques. The first and far most important period of this exchange was managed under the control of the Spanish victors. The Spanish Victors had quickly conquered every Indian population in the 16th century. Over the next 3 years, most of the new lands that had been discovered were administered by a colonial system that imposed greatly Iberian Christian lifestyle. The lifestyle that evolved over time in Latin America was the outcome of the native Indians and black slaves that were imported. The original Spanish exploration period of the Caribbean had been dominated by searching for treasure. The “Indies,” as they …show more content…

Hernan had begun to construct Mexico City with stones from the pyramids. 10 years later, a man named Francisco Pizarro had used tactics of Hernan Cortez to overthrow the Inca Empire in South America. There were rumors that Pizarro had followed that helped find gold in the south. By 1532, Pizarro had seized the capital of Inca. The capital of Inca was Cuzco. At the time, Cuzco was involved in civil war. There were many viruses happening such as smallpox, measles, and influenza. These pandemics were carried by the Spaniards. Pizarro and his so called “army” had tried to take then King of Inca hostage and destroy the establishment of the Peruvian valleys, and they succeeded. Some of the imperial family members had escaped to high mountains and tried to rule from the mountains for a mere 30 years before they were …show more content…

Mining was the number 1 priority. Agricultural estates were produced a lot of food for the miners. They had handcraft industries which produced gloves, textiles and were operated by blacksmiths. There were little to none exports that wasn’t bullion, sugar, indigo, or tobacco. However, there were restrictions on exports. The right to export had been limited to the Spanish merchants. The fleets could on sail 2 times a year. These restrictions were put into place so it could be protected by the pirates and so they could limit the goods that were exported to and from the

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