To my perspective, the world has and always will be a morally gray playground. Almost everyone has their own countless versions of right and wrong, and everyone must, ideally, bend those morals to conform to the law. However, there will always someone whose moral code is to only follow the law. For example, I try my best to not purposefully cheat or plagiarize any of my assignments. I avoid this due to my fear of failing a class or getting expelled, not because of the musings of my “moral compass”. Likewise, if I encountered a case of plagiarism in someone else’s work, I would only report it if I was legally required to do so. As a result, I believe that the penalties for cheating are justified. In fact, the infamous philosopher Thomas Hobbes
Plagiarism is using someone else’s work, words, production, researches and ideas without the approval or the acknowledgment of the writer or producer, and claiming the credit for himself. Many reasons and factors are attributed for the use of plagiarism and could be cultural, historical, linguistic, environmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal act and institutional regulations. And universities, schools, and instructors do not only need to decrease plagiarism, but they must also affect positively on students writings, increase the understanding of how to use digital technology to facilitate their academic writing.
Plagiarism, a word that represents the act of copying someone else’s work and pretending that piece of work or idea is your own. This means that you are taking all the credit for all of the effort that the original writer put into that work you just duplicated. Copying someone else’s work and taking all of the credit for it will not get you anywhere. It will not give you the satisfaction of saying that the original idea was something that you thought of. Instead it will make you worried about being discovered of plagiarizing someone else’s work and taking all of the credit for it. All that worry can land you in some trouble like failing the class, being expelled, and losing your job. It’s not worth it to copy someone another individual’s work
Plagiarism is both biblically and ethically wrong and should be published accordingly. Romans 13:7 says to give honor to whom honor is due especially since the published author had worked diligently to produce high-quality work. Academically and professionally, a recognized work has credibility and is often a result of several years of studying and research. A person who plagiarizes the author’s publication is similar to a person who robs a man after an honest day’s work. Using proper citation helps to build credibility in the student’s work as well as provide a solid foundation that can be built upon. Adapting the mentality of plagiarism being biblically and ethically wrong helps writers increase their writing and research standards which
I believe that plagiarizing should be taken very seriously. It’s unfair for people to steal another’s work. I believe that if a student is caught plagiarizing they should be given a chance to explain themselves, sometimes it could be that they turned in the wrong paper. If they are found guilty of plagiarizing I think it’s best that they are given a zero for that assignment and should not be allowed to make it
It is never ok for any student to get another person’s work, and just put their name on it and turn it in. First of all, if you want to be successful in life you need to learn to get through problems and situations on your own. If you are that person that is always finding a shortcut around the work, then you are most likely going to be a failure in the real word. This is such a serious matter that you can literally be expelled for this action. Therefore, no matter what the circumstances plagiarism is never an option.
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Life teaches people, and who does not learn from life’s lessons? To write an academic essay for a university assignment and then get labeled by “plagiarist” for an act of plagiarism is a lesson that one should bear in mind. Plagiarism is actually one of the most popular violations of Academic Integrity at several universities world-wide. When searching for the phrase “Academic Integrity” a bunch of university codes and conducts will pop up listing their rules that should not be violated under any circumstances, but first, let us define Integrity. According to Cambridge Learner’s dictionary, integrity is “honesty and the ability to do or know what is morally right”, adding the qualifier academic narrows down the definition and restricts it to
I do consider plagiarism inherently wrong because it is ethically and fundamentally sinful to steal the work or ideas of another person. Moreover, a person who engages in plagiarism is being academically dishonest (Ariail, Cavico, & Vasa-Sideris, 2015). According to Ariail, et al. (2015) plagiarism is a form of cheating and a grave academic offence. And I could not agree more. Although there is a difference between blatantly plagiarizing and making an honest mistake, it does not change the fact that the full responsibility, for the plagiarized material, falls on the shoulders of the writer. Therefore, it is crucial for a student or writer to proofread and double-check his or her work without ceasing before submitting it. However, I do believe
At the Academy of our Lady, plagiarism is considered a disrespectful act of stealing someone else’s work for your own benefit. Students often plagiarize by copying someone’s homework, looking off another’s test, or making someone do all the work in a group assignment. Sister Michelle states, “A student went into a teacher’s room and took a picture of the test. The student compounded the bad choices by putting the picture of the test in a group text” (Davis). When caught for plagiarism, as those students were, punishment includes getting a zero, calling parents, or getting parents involved depending on how serious the plagiarism is (Davis). No matter the reason, plagiarism is wrong and teachers at the academy will find out and give you the discipline
Compared to a hundred years ago, many teenagers were not drinking alcohol or doing reckless acts. Young people were definitely not getting as many tattoos or piercings back then either. Many people in our society have weaker or less stronger moral values. People are more likely to cheat or lie. Students turn in plagiarized assignments and projects found off of the Internet. Plagiarism is bad because students will become dependent and have low moral values.
Plagiarism is the process of taking some one else work or ideas and showing it as their own works (Oxford Dictionaries). The purpose of this study is to understand 6 different ethical reasons used by student to overcome with plagiarism and with help of these ethical reason, faculties can bring a solution to stop or prevent plagiarism. Where as unethical behavior can also lead to worries in school or colleges, so there is need to correct it so that it has positive impact on organizational ethics. Although, after reading this journal article, it was clearly seen that mostly used ethical reasons are Deontology, Situational Ethics and Machiavellianism to overcome with the problem of Plagiarism (Ashworth and Bannister, 1997).
Plagiarism to me is making someones work your own without giving them credit. If you plagiarize there could be serious consequences you'd have to face. It could be personal, professional, ethical, and even legal. The most serious would have to be legal. An author can sue the plagiarist, they could get a criminal offense, and possibly a prison sentence. They consequences should give people a good reason why not to plagiarize.
Students around the globe have the tendency to resort to copying certain sources as a manner of getting work done quicker and with strong recognition. It is considered human nature for students in the modern day to turn to readily available sources to aid their work. However, they do not understand the concept of plagiarism and why it is considered wrong in the educational world. To build upon this essay, we need to first understand what plagiarism exactly is. Plagiarism is well-defined as making use of the language and viewpoints of another source as an individual 's own either on purpose or accidentally, and is therefore considered a form of cheating (Check 3). This definition encompasses copying the whole source, portions and the rephrasing of passages or material from any source in every piece of educational work might it be oral or written, without acknowledging the author or source using a suitable reference style. Students ought to verify that their work is unique and their own.
All we ever knew is laws and rules, growing up we obeyed our parents rules, teachers, school, work, our state laws. Laws and rules is something our life revolves around, we were raised to follow it or else there would be consequences for us to face, whether it be a small one or big. But there are rules that seem quite ridiculous and outraging--this is where our morals come into action, we start to question it, does it seem fair? Just because something is legal it does not make it right, we know if something is ethical or not. Lying is legal but it's unethical, we live in a world where it's illegal to pierce a minor's ear without the parents consent but it's legal to get an abortion without the parents permission or consent. Being legal
Clegg, Kornberger and Rhodes: 2007 'Business Ethics as Practice': British Journal of Management 18: 107-122