
Plagiarism-Related Behavior Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Differences in Plagiarism-Related Behaviors
Melisa Solis
The University of Texas at Arlington

Differences in Plagiarism-Related Behaviors
The prevalence of academic dishonesty among high school and college students is an essential one (Giluk, 2014). Academic dishonesty has become a common issue. This study as it relates to individual difference in plagiarism-related behaviors conforms with previous work in the Big Five Personality and academic dishonest: A meta-analytic review (Giluk, 2014), as well as Identifying and Profiling Scholastic Cheaters: Their Personality, Cognitive Ability and Motivation (Williams, Et al, 2010) and Understanding Everyday Psychopathy: Shared Group Identity Leads to Increased Concern for Others Among Undergraduates …show more content…

Based on the findings from the work from Giluk, Et. al (2014), the research indicates that psychopathy-related deficits can be subdue. Then, with the research from Williams, Et. al (2010) prove a connection between the Dark Triad variables and scholastic cheating while psychopathy showed the strongest correlation. In the BFI the conclusion of low scores of agreeableness and conscientiousness may predict cheating. There was a result that concluded that self- reporting cheating could be higher in males than females, but there was no racial variance indicated. The research from Arbuckle, Et. al (2012) showed increased concern for others, but only when the others were in their group, which signify by increased motivation to care about others. The study from Fritzsche (2003) prove that tendency to procrastinate on writng tasks was associated with

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