Within the two hours since the plane crashed I feel lots of pressure on me since all this is happening on my property. I feel so pressured because I have to help a bunch of injured people sitting and laying on the ground. All of those helpless people, injured, and almost are dead. The people in this plane crash are counting on me and the rescuers to help them. I saw a girl around my age and her name was Carly. I stayed and held Carly's hand for felt like a entire day.
On September 11, 2001 tragedy struck. The sky was blue and it was a beautiful morning. I was walking down the street to get some breakfast with an old friend. I opened the door to the old Copper Lantern restaurant where we were suppose to meet, and there she was. She looked so amazing it was great to finally see Amanda again! Midcoversation there was suddenly a loud boom, and the ground rumbled. Girls in the restaurant screamed, with in minutes everything was chaotic. I grab Amanda's hand a pulled her through the waves of families till we finally got to the door. I took my first steps outside and everything was in a haze.
As you look back on this day, fourteen years later, I can imagine that you can still hear the shrill of melting steel, and the outcry of everyone at the scene. While the whole world stood in silence as the second plane hit, you prayed that your
Throughout the video, I felt sad for all the people that died and for those who witnessed the incident on that moment. I asked myself, what if I was in that situation, maybe on the streets or maybe in the buildings that were hit. I can’t even imagine being on the planes that were hijacked. I’d would be scared
When the towers were attacked early in the morning, my family and I were having a normal morning. We were waking up and you were three months old so I was focused getting you up for the morning and getting you changed and ready for the day. At about 7 in the morning, I turned on the news and saw what happened right after the first plane hit so I went to wake up your dad and told him what happened and he came out and we started watching the news. Minutes after the first plane hit was when the second plane hit and that’s when I knew that it was a terrorist attack and it was an event that i’ll never forget and it changed me and changed our country that day. Soon after, your dad and I realized the severity of the situation
It was the morning of September 11, 2001 in New York City. I woke up at 6:00 am to put my uniform on and say goodbye to my wife and children as I head off to work. The morning started off just fine, the sun was shining the skies were blue, and traffic was heavy as businessmen and women were headed to work. I work with Brooklyn’s Ladder Company No. 157 as a firefighter. I went into work and greeted my friend George johnson who is also a firefighter. It was around 8:47 when I got the call that they were dispatching us and telling us to head to the north tower because there was an attack. When I heard the news I was in shock and couldn't believe it, but I knew what had to be done. I remember running into that building and all I could think about was am i going to make it out to see my family again, my main goal was to stay safe, and help as many people as
At the scene of the bombing, “A local hospital administrator explained modestly, ‘With the enormous outpouring of medical volunteers we received, it would have been nearly impossible not to have done a great job’” (Ray 2). After the terrorist attack of the twin towers, it was the survivors of the Oklahoma City Bombing who gave the 9/11 victims the most effective support. Janet Walker made the statement, “We’re the only ones who can truly say, ‘I know how you feel’ (Tanner 1). Kathleen Treanor, a woman who lost her daughter and both of her in-laws, said “It’s an immediate connection” (Tanner 1).
I rushed over to check in and retrieve my boarding pass. Lately a lot of planes have been going missing, which is all I could think about the whole time. “Flight 23 is now boarding.” I carried my carry on baggage onto the plane. I looked down at my boarding pass and realized that I was already at my seat. There was a man sitting in my designated seat. I was too nervous about the flight to even question him. I sat down next to him. I looked out the window and noticed in the distance that dark cumulus clouds were being formed. There was a strong wind that hit my side of the plane, furiously shaking the whole aircraft. Having hope was the only thing that came to mind every time negative thoughts would
Fire trucks kept coming and neighbors gathered around to lend a hand. Many people brought blankets, offered hot chocolate, and a place to keep warm. They were all so kind, but I couldn’t take my eyes away from the house. Mom talks to us on the phone while she’s on her way home from work in Des Moines. My sister and I hug each other in disbelief and cry. We watch the firefighters throw everything out of my bedroom window, which is in the basement.
Here is a question I ask people from time to time to people after I have a feel for the person, “Where were you on the morning of September 11th, 2001 at 8:46am? Well for me I was just finishing a 3.1-mile run (5K) at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado. For all you none military types of people who have never visited one of America’s amazing cities it is home to the US Navy’s West Coast Special Operations community. And let it be known I was not a Navy SEAL, SWCC (Special Warfare Combatant Craftsmen) Operator or an EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) technician. I worked SEAL Team 5 as part of the support staff. Granted when the Platoon I was assigned to deployed, I was wheels up with the team. As I got back into the locker room at my command I remember looking up at the television and seeing that a plane had just hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Now from time to time I would remember hearing about a little single engine plane flying off its course and getting close into Manhattan; so at that moment that is what was going through my head at that exact moment. Well after I got out of the shower at 9:06am I heard that another airplane hit the South Tower. Now being from New Jersey and knowing the travel restrictions that surround New York City; at that exact moment I started to come to the realization that our Nation may be under attack. Well just as I was finished getting dressed and heading to morning formation we found out the
I got the call. My father told me the news. It is insane how many things are taken for granted. We make plans for the day, and don't think about how those plans could possibly be taken in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until being faced with undeniable truth. I honestly don’t believe people think about tragedy until faced with shocking news.
From the street there were people screaming and running it was mass chaos. At this time you could see the media and firefighters everywhere. I got the hell out of there went home hugged my wife. I realized God had spared me that day. A lot of my friends and coworkers died that day. I’m truly sorry, sometimes I feel guilty that I didn’t do my part to help but I was afraid for my life. A couple of my friends that made it from a bit higher up said it sounded like a bunch of explosions. I remember thinking after hearing from them and seeing the video footage what the heck happened? In my opinion it felt like a bomb (Jones).
Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001 was a day that no one will forget. I decided to write it out what happened to my family that very day in my mom’s perspective to make it easier to understand. My mom was in Pleasant Hill, CA and decided to skip that day of work because my older sister was sick. Madeleine, my eldest sister, was two at the time. Early in the morning a family friend of ours, Janet, called my mom asking if she saw what was happening. Janet said,” Jeanne the twin towers are on the ground, turn on the news!” My mom was so tired from staying up all night because of Madeleine that when she heard what happened she didn’t belive it. She quickly turned on the news and it replayed the airplanes hiting the twin towers and falling.
About 15 minutes into the flight, Moretti makes contact with the Kansa City PD and they start reviewing details of the case. I try to focus as hard as I possibly can but just the possibility of Colton being alive and me being able to give his family a new start would be great. I close my eyes and I can remember the countless and endless nights I spent looking for something, someone who could help me put a family back together. To bring a family their only son back. The amounts I failed whenever I was close. I open my eyes as soon as I hear the pilot telling us we’re going to land in 10 minutes. Those 10 minutes felt like the longest 10 minutes in my life. Soon, I was going to find out if maybe, just maybe we were going to be able to solve this case, save a family and hopefully many more missing children. As soon as we land I’m the first one out that door. I spot the car and I hop in. Setting the GPS, I’m out of there and should be arriving at the hospital in about 15
When I turned around to see the TV, I realized it was happening outside the window. Everyone sat in silence until a voice came over the intercom saying “we need to evacuate tower 2 but to not take the elevator.” We rushed to the stair way. It was crowding with people and was as hot as a sauna and about as humid as one too. The people were all trying to scurry down the stairs. Everyone had fear in her eyes and were trying to call their loved ones. People were on the phone trying to talk but kept shuddering because they were trying to hold back tears. All I could think about was the fact that I almost didn’t come to work today because of my allergy appointment. The humid, dusty air didn’t help
I was talking to that girl because a plane just hit one of the twin towers when all of the sudden a plane from United Airlines Flight 175 hit my building. I hit the floor and I couldn’t move. I started crawling to the girl that I was talking to and asked if she was okay. I said “Are you okay”! I said with a sad voice when I said it because she just laying there. I tried to get up, but it felt like there was a million weights holding me down. The girl that I was talking to she was laying on the floor not responding