
Planed Behavior Theory

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At the beginning of every new year, many individuals come up with resolutions that they hope to accomplish by the time the next year rolls around. Often times, the resolutions are geared towards losing weight, or adopting a better diet. Yet, a few short months or even weeks later, those resolutions are already forgotten and thrown out the window. Fortunately, there are strategies that can be carried over across various New Year’s resolutions to ensure the individual’s chances of success. For instance, the health behavior I would like to change, which is one of the most common among those deciding on a New Year’s resolution, would be exercising more. Therefore, I would reference the theory of planned behavior, developing a social support group, …show more content…

This theory takes into account how attitudes, depending on the situation, can predict the behavior. Such as the attitude toward the behavior, which presents how likely an outcome will be, and whether the outcome is good or bad. The next step in the theory, is to take social norms into consideration. Particularly, looking into what others want me to do and how likely I would be to conform. Lastly, the amount of perceived control, or my belief of how successfully I can enact the behavioral intention (lecture, 10-11-2017). Applying this theory as a strategy for exercising at least 30 minutes a day, would first start with me thinking about how exercising will provide me with long term health benefits and keeping my in better shape. In turn, making me feel more confident and attractive, which is desired. Additionally, my family feels that I am becoming lazy and should start exercising to get back into shape and remain fit, in which I agree with and would comply. Lastly, believing that I can successfully start picking up the healthy habit of working out daily, which overtime will lead to adapting the healthy …show more content…

In which, I can find a workout buddy or group of people to work out with, who have similar goals as I do. Since having a designated workout buddy forces accountability, it will keep me from becoming lazy and skipping days (lecture, 10-18-2017). This also goes hand in hand with a technique from the cognitive-behavioral approach, contingency contracting. In which an agreement would be made between me, family, and friends, to monitor the behavior and administer rewards or punishments (lecture, 10-18-2017). For instance, if I skip a day of workout, the next day I would have to complete double the amount of time, or 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes. Lastly, self-reinforcement would be another strategy to implement from the cognitive-behavioral approach. Self-Reinforcement is when the individual gives self rewards for accomplishing the desired behavior. This can be either negative, in which you remove something unpleasant, or positive, which you add something pleasant (lecture, 10-18-2017). In this case, if I can accomplish exercising everyday for a month, I will buy myself a new workout

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