Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is an interesting film for a political scientist to analyze. The film’s storyline is one that follows the path of revolution, where a race of genetically modified apes are forced to fight in order to retain their liberty and way of life. When trying to understand the ontology the film presents, it is obvious that this story takes place in a reality in which humans have succumbed to a disease and all order has collapsed, it is a world where all that matters now is pure survival however each of these realities mean something different to each of the characters of the film for their reality is subjectively created according to their perspective and views on the world around them. The film also presents an epistemology that can be understood through the point of view of the many characters on screen and the various reasons and motivations behind the decisions they make. This leads to the conclusion that the film aims to employ an Interpretivists perspective to its plot and this essay seeks to confirm that thesis by explaining particular case studies through the Interpretivist perspective as well as by analyzing and discrediting the application of other potential perspectives.
We first start
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It shows the complexity of the varying perspectives in society and the way it can have a profound effect on the path that a community decides to follow: a path like war over peace. These perspectives are best understood using the Interpretivist point of view. In order to understand the plot and the events that take place in the movie, it is important that viewers first understand the motivations and inspirations of why one character makes a certain choice over another. By understanding the importance placed on social reality by the characters, viewers can get a full and complete experience when viewing such a
40) {11.10}Some people argue that we should eat lower on the food chain. Describe these reasons. Others argue that this is a generalization with some exceptions. What is their position?
This movie explores issues of greed, human relationships, betrayal and redemption, personal innocence and responsibility as well as the effects on the human mind
This movie Directed by Paul Haggis who also directed Academy Award Winning "Million Dollar Baby" and had also won an Academy Award for this movie as well puts a twisted story in this film. This movie is trying to symbolize what goes on in the world today in regards to racism and stereotypes. He tries to make a point on how societies view themselves and others in the world based on there ethnicities. This movie intertwines several different people's lives, all different races, with different types of beliefs. Such ethnicities include Caucasians, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Middle Eastern. This movie includes conflicts on both sides of the picture from cops and criminals as well
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The movie has good representations of the collectivism point of view like what ants always talked about the betterment for their colony rather than for individuals. In the movie, equal chances
It analyses scientific, historic and social information to decipher how and why the myth of race developed. The film maintains that race persists as a category of social difference and inequality even though it is socially constructed and not biological. This is because the notion of race is ingrained in everyone’s brains, even the non-racist brains to conclude there is a hierarchy. The film indicates that race is an idea that we ascribe to biology, as well racial lines justify past and present wrongs; slavery, imperialism and genocide. As well, a lot of scientific work on race was individually and culturally influenced, therefore social differences become naturalized or biological i.e. infant mortality, living conditions etc- even in today’s society we ignore poverty and social neglect of health; not real science. Race does not relate to genetic diseases a way to show that we are able to have or not have
The degree of connection between all of the characters in the movie is so coincidental and interrelated to emphasize the point that we do not always know what is going on with everyone else we may encounter. It also accentuates the fact that racism is not one particular race against another. It also shows that we never know someone’s situation and what is happening in their life to make them act the way that they do if
1. What are the main themes, politically and socially, that are portrayed in the film?
The political elements of the movie are shown through the politics of violence. The movie focuses on masculinity, violence and gender. It resembles the pathology of individual and institutional violence that fills America, ranging from hate crimes to criminal subcultures. Violence functions mostly through the politics of denial, insulation, disinterest and inability to criticize with self-consiousness. This is the violence that represents society today.
Principally, the movie amazingly brings awareness of the structural racism in the government institutions through the wealth of a family. The monetary value of each household can impact life opportunities and outcomes. Many non-whites had their opportunity for a better lifestyle taken from them when our social institution favored whites by giving them more
The message that the movie conveys to audience is people always have choice whether in prosperity or adversity, and everyone should stick to his or her choice and be worthy to the heart. Even though there is a big difference between the movie scenes and our real world,
From the film one can learn the importance of taking chances and making choices. The film also teaches us about disobedience. Are desobidance puts us at risk, but is important to do what we feel is right. The film also teaches the harsh reality's of war and how it can cause men to do terrible
Also, the other question every critic must consider is what the story means. The only real consensus on this point is that the exact meaning of the story is not possible. There is even a question by some as to whether the story is meant to have an exact meaning. Yet, many critics also agree it is the discussion the story encourages which gives it much of its value rather than a complete understanding. The primary concern was the
It is adventurous story because the character shows shifting of place and defeating of unnatural enemy. Moreover, the story gives a greater lesson in every reader. It is the valuing of friendship. Also, searching of one's identity. Unconsciously, we have investigated ourselves through knowing our strengtha and weaknesses.
First I will present a basic breakdown of the movie including: who the characters are, their roles, and plot summary. Next, I will present the arguments in regards to the theories of Utilitarianism and virtue theory, and how the film and characters conveyed them. From here I will show the breakdown of the meta-ethical aspects of the film in regards to human nature and how evil attempts to triumph over good. I will conclude by summarizing how these characters had complete disregard for ethics and their own morals.