Thesis: Planned Parenthood has been seen as a place where abortions are the only services that women get, However Planned Parenthood offers women, STD testing, birth control and two types of abortion with total confidence. Planned Parenthood offers all the health services to patients that the say and should keep being funded. In Planned Parent Funds to Health Centers, Dannenfelser whom is the president of a political organization that wants to expand women pro-life in politics. Talks about the way that planned parenthood is not using the money funded and give less health services than what they say they are. Dannenfelser argues that Planned Parenthood is not using the money that they are being funded to give good health services. Abortion …show more content…
Planned Parenthood patients talk about the options that Planned Parenthood gives to patients and all the services and how much they appreciate the services at Planned Parenthood. As planned parenthood states “Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 80 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.”(Planned parenthood ). Planned parenthood does not only focus on abortion but also on preventing unintended pregnancy. Planned parenthood provides many pregnancy services and also they help prevent sexual transmited diseases and testing services. As Rachel Gillispie, a Planned Parenthood patient states “ there needs to be somewhere that women can go to get the care they need and others can go to receive what they need, such as birth control and STD testing.” Planned parenthood provides different health services to everyone, not only does Planned …show more content…
For years planned parenthood has been taking in patients and giving them options for the abortion types they want. Before deciding what type of abortion a patient wants nurses from planned parenthood talk to the patients about abortion. After nurses talk to the patients if they are 100% sure, they begin to explain the types of abortion more. “"Abortion pill" is the popular name for using 2 medicines to end a pregnancy – mifepristone and misoprostol.”(Planned parenthood ). The abortion pill is given to women when they are not that fair in their pregnancy. The pill makes
Planned Parenthood, from what they have stated, is, “Planned Parenthood is America’s most trusted provider of reproductive health care,” and they (Planned Parenthood) have also stated that, “Our skilled health care professionals are dedicated to offering men, women, and teens high-quality, affordable medical care.” What that basically means is that they offer types of contraception, give abortions, and offer information about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s). What they do can help those that are not ready for children, and give forms of contraception for all sexes, and if need be, give abortions. Because they give abortions, in the United States, they are a very controversial organization to talk
The first argument for supporting Planned Parenthood is that it provides women with other health services and not just birth control or abortion. Without these services, women’s health will decline because many people can afford treatment. “Every year, Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses provide more than 3 million women with preventive health care, including nearly one million lifesaving screenings for cervical cancer, 830,000 breast exams, contraception to nearly 2.5 million patients and nearly four million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Literally, they are a trusted health care provider to millions of women (Whitman).” The statistic proves that Planned Parenthood does more than prevent unwanted pregnancy but also take on tasks care for women’s health.
The “Planned Parenthood Federation of America” is a non profit organization, funded by the Federal Government, in which it provides reproductive/maternal health services among the United States as well as internationally, since 1952. In recent news developments, there have been rumors that Planned Parenthood practices “inhumane” procedures when aborting an unborn baby to harvest their organs and that a law should be passed to stop this. The supporters for Planned Parenthood claim that these claims are unfounded and believe that Planned Parenthood is a wonderful association that helps women and men all around the world. This issue has caused a series of debates that have been going on for years, but Planned Parenthood still lives on.
Planned Parenthood is a widely known nonprofit organization. They are the health care provider for millions of people within our nation. When people hear the words Planned Parenthood they automatically assume abortion. Yes, abortion is a service that they offer yet, they deliver much more than that. They deliver and educate us about birth control, cancer, men and women’s sexual health, pregnancy, sexual orientation and offer the Morning-After Pill (emergency contraception) and sexually transmitted disease screenings. Planned Parenthood is a large organization. “Planned Parenthood consists of 159 medical and non-medical affiliates, which operate over 650 health clinics in the United States. It partners with organizations in 12 countries
Given the misinformation depicted in the media it is difficult to discern what Planned Parenthood does and exactly how it is that they allocate their funds. Though opponents of Planned Parenthood would have us believe abortions and contraception is what they do, health screenings and prevention is a more accurate description. More so given the array of services they offered and the fact that those they serve are mainly from the uninsured and underrepresented minority population. Though steeped in controversy, Planned Parenthood services are of great benefit to society, more so given their efforts in preventive care. Because
When taking on this topic I hope to explain why Planned Parenthood Clinic are so vital to the public. These clinics offer many health care services to both women and men. The services offered can help prevent communicable diseases
There is a common misconception that Planned Parenthood is a center for abortions, and that’s it. Only three percent of Planned Parenthood’s services relate to abortions. Planned Parenthood receives $500 million in federal funding and it is
There has been plenty of talk about how much of the services Planned Parenthood really provides. According to Planned Parenthood, the organization only provides 3% of abortions to the 2.7 million women they service a year. (3) However, the Susan B. Anthony List states that the organization provides 94% of abortions. (1) Both of these statistics can be misleading though. The Washington Post states, “SBA List, which opposes abortion rights, arrives at its 94% figure by comparing abortions to two other categories of services that are provided to pregnant patients – or ‘pregnancy services’” (Ye Hee Lee 1). In other words, the SBA List does not account for the other services like, STD testing, adoption services, and contraception, that Planned Parenthood provides. The Washington Post also notes, “The 3% figure that Planned Parenthood uses is misleading, comparing
Planned Parenthood is a controversial topic sweeping the nation of America with political and moral issues. Every day one could come across a new article on it, stubble upon a news article in their local paper or even on their local news station. Planned Parenthood directly provides reproductive health services, is involved in teach young students about sexual education, contributes to research in reproductive technology, and interacts with legal and political efforts aimed at protecting and developing reproductive rights.
Planned Parenthood is an organization that is critical for both men and women’s health care. Right now there are people trying to defund Planned Parenthood, and that would leave countless men and women without an excellent source of health care. Planned Parenthood provides a level of care that surpasses many other health care centers, and would be a devastating loss if defunded. Another thing that Planned Parenthood does is advocate for women rights, by doing so they provide abortions, but that should not be what defines the services of Planned Parenthood. They provide so much more than that, Planned Parenthood offers a wide range of tests and treatments, as well having someone there for anyone to talk to. Planned Parenthood should not be
Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides healthcare and education to both men and women, having over 650 health centers that provide healthcare to countless communities around the world. Shockingly, 78% of those who use Planned Parenthoods services live at or below 150% of the federal poverty line, showing how important this organization is to low-income families (Topulos, Greene, Drazen). Their mission statement is “A Reason for Being”, which is shown through their efforts to provide health care, advocate public policies, create educational programs, and endorse research. There are those who do not believe Planned Parenthood should be funded by the government, though, due to the fact that they provide abortions to women in need. Studies show that the effects of not having Planned Parenthood available are disastrous, causing low-income families to lack a healthcare provider and the number of those who are infected with STD’s and STI’s to rise. The biggest concern communities have about the government defunding Planned Parenthood is the effects that it would have on low-income families who would no longer have access to something that many people take for granted: health care. Although many believe that Planned Parenthood mostly provides abortions, in reality, only 3% of the people that seek help from them receive an abortion, while 97% receive affordable and, in many cases,
Planned Parenthood boasts they take care about our health, our bodies, our rights, and us. They say that they provide many and different services for women, from contraception methods to mammograms, even advisement. But all of this is false as it is a business that sells abortions and they have to sell it as many as they can. In my opinion, this is an increasing problem since the health care system
Services offered at planned are not only abortion services as many might believe but in fact are essential services many low income individuals need. OP Services vary from HIV testing to STD information,
Birth control, condoms, examinations, intrauterine devices, safe sex advice, discussions about identity, the list seems to go on forever. Everything stated and more is what all sexually active or simply curious individuals should know about and have access to no matter their monetary situations. Planned Parenthood is one place where people have access to all of these. Opposed to popular belief, Planned Parenthood is more than just an abortion clinic. In fact, abortions were not preformed until its legalization in the United States in 1973 (Our Bodies Ourselves). The debate over Planned Parenthood needs to come to an end, and funding must continue in order to ensure the safety of those who choose to be sexually active.
The Affordable Care Act was a funded mandate issued by the federal government use funding to help persuade states in implementing the new healthcare reform. With almost half the country, including Texas, refusing to enact Obamacare, there is an obvious difference between what the states and the federal government want. The controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood and similar clinics is the ethical debate of abortion. Single-issue groups, interest groups that primarily focus on one specific issue like pro-life and pro-choice advocates relentlessly fight for their beliefs on the merits of abortion and seemingly, pro-life resonated with Texas policymakers. Policymaking starts in the interest of the people and their concerns which is translated to the state and local government through public interests and elections. The issue will be discussed for the state’s policy agenda whether to be pursued further. In this case, pulling funding from Planned Parenthood, which was introduced by the people and given to the attention local and state officials, will now be debated to be made an official state policy, which was successful in the favor of pro-life advocates. But by defunding Planned Parenthood, many low-income women no longer have access to effective birth control or other forms of healthcare. Krugman, in his opinion, insists that political participation of the people is the only way to prevent unfavorable state and local candidates to hold public office and therefore, prevent unfavorable legislation to be passed within state government that may negatively impact the state and its