To be considered an American, there are no limitations other than being able to cross the border. This country does not limit race, religion, and sex. Since America’s history has been well known to be “free” , It is not important for individuals to share some set of common beliefs and values because being a “ follower” isn’t going to make a true American. It would be like a Mexican family being forced to turn into a white family, though this isn’t the case. From the readings of Steven, it is fair enough to not include demographics to be a citizen. It is possible to share common beliefs, though there are different mindsets and categories of our government to believe in. For instance, although we are running a democracy, others could be independent, …show more content…
It is likely people would agree to make more important improvements to life, based on the following political party. Everyone is willing to work together to do what it takes to live the best future. Eric explains in his piece that everyone would have an expectation to have the same advantages as everyone else by pointing out character. With movements going on about Planned Parenthood, it is all about “character” because it is something that everyone cares about just like free rights. Culture wise, there would be no set boundaries since not everyone will not live the same way. All of us at some point travels in the middle of nowhere and finds a restaurant on the way that has nothing to do with their culture but it is “American culture” how they deliver service to their customers. The same way is delivered by the government, but “importance” of values should not be taken seriously because not everyone is serious, it is just all about living the perfect American dream without any worries. Therefore, there can be more opportunities given to American citizens to participate in politics by expanding American
Pro Life was against the partnership of Komen with Planned Parenthood mainly due to its abortion services. However in 2011 Komen defended her partnership with the Planned Parenthood by stating that it was the best option for treatment for the poor, minor and many uninsured women. Also there are statements that assured that the funding from the Komen to the Planned Parenthood was exclusively used for the breast cancer program. But due to extreme pressure the Komen was influenced to act in the favor of the prolife and finally posted a statement on its website on November 30, 2011 stating that it would no longer fund the embryonic stem cell research centers. In order to cope with the crisis situation Komen hired Ogilvy crisis management public
1) The name and website of the interest group? Planned Parenthood Federation 2) What is the goal of the interest group?
Since taking the reins in 2006, Cecile Richards has spearheaded Planned Parenthood through difficult times to ensure it has emerged better than before.
November will be approaching soon and will be time to elect our next President. Bernie Sanders is a seventy-four-year-old male running for the Democratic party. Hillary Clinton is the wife of Ex-President Bill Clinton and also running for the Democratic party. Donald Trump is a businessman running for the Republican nomination to be the President of 2016. Ted Cruz is a senator from Texas and a candidate for the Republican nomination. Jill Stein is a physician and activist who is currently running for the Green Party nomination.
I hope you're having a great summer and enjoying the fantastic weather! We've got some exciting events coming up for you to meet other Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin supporters, discuss feminist issues, and help out PPWI.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health services both for females and males. Services include screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases, infections, and providing contraception. Another service they provide is abortions; although controversial in 2014 the organization reported that only 3% of their services were for abortions. The organization manages more than 820 health centers in the United States, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Nigeria, South Sudan, Senegal, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Nicaragua, and Kenya. Planned Parenthood helps over five million patients a year: most of the patients are impoverished and more than a quarter of the patients are under the age of nineteen years old. According to a latest yearly report, the organization supplied around 860,000 screenings a year for breast and cervical cancer. They also issued nearly 4.5 million examinations and medical care for sexually transmitted diseases. Approximately one-third of its resources are supplied contraceptives. In particular, in its latest yearly report, Planned Parenthood stated that it supply’s knowledge of birth control and services to three million people annually. If Planned Parenthood is defunded there will be less convenience of contraceptives will mean additional undesired pregnancies and more abortions. Out of the three hundred and thirty of the countries, Planned Parenthood helps at least half of the patients who
“I will defend Planned Parenthood. I will defend Roe v. Wade and I will defend women's rights to make their own healthcare decisions.” -Hillary Clinton
Planned Parenthood is a controversial topic sweeping the nation of America with political and moral issues. Every day one could come across a new article on it, stubble upon a news article in their local paper or even on their local news station. Planned Parenthood directly provides reproductive health services, is involved in teach young students about sexual education, contributes to research in reproductive technology, and interacts with legal and political efforts aimed at protecting and developing reproductive rights.
Controversy. Allegations. Contention. Dispute. Strife. Dissension. The current situation regarding the funding of Planned Parenthood has been a controversial topic that many people have chosen a solid stance on. With the allegations that have been made against Planned Parenthood, abortion has been the prime target of the scrutinizing eye. Many individuals and groups have made their decision to advocate for the defunding without looking at the true facts of what Planned Parenthood is really about. The government should not cut funding to Planned Parenthood because vast amounts of people would lose access to healthcare they need, and as a direct result of the defunding there would be less access to contraception.
Researching things to find for this assignment was difficult. After thinking about things, a big concern that has been as issue for southeast Iowa is the closing of planned parenthoods. After reading some different articles, the article that seemed to have some noticeable fallacies was, “Closing Of Planned Parenthood clinics a victory for Iowa women” in the Des Moines Register. This article was written by Maggie DeWitte, the executive director Iowans for Life . Although this article is very controversial and effects the people of our community, it has many fallacies within it.
“Nothing matters.” That quote attributed to Ambrose Bierce may be true in some cases. It may be true to those who do not value the funding of Planned Parenthood. But something does matter. And that is the funding of the healthcare resource Planned Parenthood. Many do not understand the vital role Planned Parenthood plays in the lives of up and coming parents. Planned Parenthood has been operating and serving those in need of care in the United States and overseas for more than 40 years (“Planned Parenthood Global”). Planned Parenthood has vowed in their mission statement:
Parents in Iowa are resisting Planned Parenthood’s plan to conduct its own version of sex education for children as young as five years old.
Millions of women across America will struggle to receive the medical attention they need if the federal government stops funding to Planned Parenthood. Every year 363 million dollars goes into the funding “pot” collectively at Planned Parenthood’s nationwide (Clark 5). This money is used predominantly by women; for six in ten women, Planned Parenthood acts as their main source of health care (Clark 4). Many individuals with low incomes depend on these clinics to maintain or help better their health. Recently, the federal government is trying to pass the Pence Amendment, which would eliminate funding to these institutions. The federal government needs to realize how important Planned Parenthood
Birth control, condoms, examinations, intrauterine devices, safe sex advice, discussions about identity, the list seems to go on forever. Everything stated and more is what all sexually active or simply curious individuals should know about and have access to no matter their monetary situations. Planned Parenthood is one place where people have access to all of these. Opposed to popular belief, Planned Parenthood is more than just an abortion clinic. In fact, abortions were not preformed until its legalization in the United States in 1973 (Our Bodies Ourselves). The debate over Planned Parenthood needs to come to an end, and funding must continue in order to ensure the safety of those who choose to be sexually active.
The target population may be Planned Parenthood (PP) as an entity, but the policy will affect the clients that depend on PP for services. If House Bill 294 passes, it will end federal funding to Planned Parenthood (House Bill 294, 2015). Planned Parenthood provides services to Medicaid recipients and other individuals with little to no income. The services provided by PP include providing free or low-cost contraceptives, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment (Planned Parenthood, 2016). The population who loses if this policy is passed are the individuals living in poverty and medically underserved areas since they are over half of PP clients (Heisler, 2016). They are already disadvantaged by not having sufficient medical services in the area; Planned Parenthood is one of the key resources that are specifically planted in low-income areas to be accessible to this diverse population. With the easy access to contraceptives being lost, pregnancy will be on the rise along with STDs, since treatment will no longer be provided in a quick and easy manner. For an already impoverished and oppressed community these consequences could be dire.